Page 256 of Dangerous as Sin

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He chuckles easily. “Ah, my family is well known in Boston.”

“Oh.” I chew on my bottom lip. “How come?”

“Have you heard of O’Shea Corps?”

I frown, trying to recall the name. “Uhh, maybe?” I think I remember seeing the name on a sign outside a construction site near the coffeehouse.

“It’s a widespread organization. My brothers and I are in charge of different parts of it. Mine being our nightclubs.”

“So you don’t just manage the nightclubs, you own them?”

“Well, the company does, but yeah, you could say that.”

“Oh.” I still can’t wrap my head around that, and another silence falls as he goes back to perusing the menu.

This is all so different from what I know, but it’s not necessarily bad. Just… different. Trying to relax, I focus on picking what I want to eat, yet as I scan the menu, I can feel eyes on me.

Flicking my gaze over the top of the menu, I scan the room. No one is openly staring, though I notice more than one table glancing our way while whispering in hushed whispers. Are Conor’s family really that well-known? People are acting as though the damn president walked in.

My attention is divided between the room and the menu in front of me when the waiter comes over.

“Would you like some wine?” Conor asks.

“Eh, yeah, sure.”

He doesn’t even glance at the wine list before rattling off the name of some expensive-sounding bottle.

“Excellent choice, sir,” the waiter compliments before leaving us alone.

When he returns, he pours a small amount of wine into Conor’s glass and waits for him to taste it before filling my glass and topping up Conor’s. Taking our food orders, he leaves us alone again, and without a menu in my hand, I begin to fidget.

“Why are you so nervous?” Conor asks, sounding amused.

When I gaze up into his eyes, they are swirling with confusion and curiosity. “I’m just not used to any of this. The last guy I dated back home took me to the Piggly Wiggly for our first—and only—date.”

Conor throws his head back and laughs, a deep, husky sound like melted chocolate. “Do I even want to know what that is?”

The glint of humor in his eyes brings a slight smile to my lips. “The point is, I’m not used to all of… this.” I use my finger to indicate the restaurant.

He gives a considering nod before grinning. I stare at him in confusion, trying to understand his reaction before simply asking, “Why are you smiling?”

“You’re not like anyone else I’ve met. Any other woman would expect to be brought somewhere like here, only I get the impression you would have been happy if I’d bought you food from a cart and taken you for a walk along the pier.”

I smile shyly. Perhaps I should want to be brought somewhere like this, but a hotdog and a walk honestly sound much better than this stuffy restaurant.

Our food arrives shortly after, and I manage to loosen up a bit while we eat. As soon as we’re done with our main course, Conor whisks me out of the restaurant with the promise of an ice cream cone and a walk. It was the perfect end to our date, and by the time he pulls the car up outside my house, I’ve all but forgotten how uncomfortable I felt in the restaurant.

“I had a good time tonight,” he says, turning in his seat to face me. “It’s been a long time since I’ve done something other than simply take a woman out for dinner.” He drapes his arm around the back of my headrest, the action bringing him closer so his citrusy scent wraps around me.

“I had fun, too.”

His eyes drop to my lips, and I inhale. He’s been the perfect gentleman all evening, but now all I want is for him to eliminate the space between us and kiss me. I bet he’d be amazing at it. The kind of kisser that eradicates all other kisses. With those plush lips and his easy confidence, there’s no way his kiss is anything less than mind-blowing.

His other hand moves to cup my cheek, angling my head, as he closes the distance until his lips brush mine. It’s soft and tentative, immediately setting my skin abuzz.

When I don’t pull back, he presses forward and slants his lips over mine. Fireworks go off behind my eyes as my lips part, granting his tongue entrance. He explores my mouth with slow, languid strokes, savoring every second as though we have all the time in the world.

Once we pull apart, I’m dazed—and not just from lack of oxygen. With my brain temporarily offline, I mumble a goodnight and scurry from the car, ignoring his amused smirk.

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