Page 260 of Dangerous as Sin

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Well, damn. I’m not sure if that’s incredibly sad or an ingenious way to look at the entire situation. It’s undoubtedly the most realistic approach.

For the rest of the week, every spare moment I have is spent searching for somewhere to live. The problem is, there’s fuck all real estate available in this city—well, real estate that’s available on my meager budget. What are the chances the coffee shop would double my pay if I asked them? There are a couple of places available within that price bracket.

“What are you doing up?” Conor asks, startling me as my gaze snaps to the digital clock on his stove. 2:00 am. It’s been several weeks since our date at his club, and since that night, we’ve been nearly inseparable. Every moment neither of us is working, we’re together, and I now spend three nights a week at his place.

It’s been go, go, go all day, and I haven’t had a chance to check for any new rentals, so I had gotten out of bed after Conor fell asleep—as has been my routine every night I’ve stayed here since Carla broke the news to me. All I want to do when I’m with him is be present in the moment, not on my laptop. So if it’s between giving up time with Conor or giving up sleep, I’ve chosen sleep. Besides, I can sleep when I’m dead, am I right?

Heat envelops my back for a second before his five o’clock shadow scrapes along the sensitive skin on my neck, making me shiver.

“I woke up, and you weren’t there, again.”

“I’m sorry, baby. I was just looking to see if any new properties came up today. I only have two more days to find a place.”

My heart rate picks up, a mixture of fear and a response to the delicious sensations cascading down my spine as Conor nibbles at the spot behind my ear.

He huffs irritably. “I don’t like waking up alone when you’re here.” He shifts so I can feel the hard length of his erection against my thigh. “What am I supposed to do with this if I wake up and you’re not right beside me?”

That gets a chuckle from me. “You could deal with it yourself,” I supply.

“Why would I do that when I know your hot body is lurking nearby? I bet you're soaking wet and dying for my cock to fill you.”

I bite down on my lower lip as he pulls me off the stool. With his hands on my waist, he presses his hips into my ass and pins me against the marble countertop. He grinds his erection into me at the same time he reaches past and closes the lid of my laptop.

“Hey, I was—”

“Not anymore, babe. I’m sick of waking up to find you gone. Just move in here.”

“What?” I splutter. “Are you serious?”

In answer, he digs his dick deeper between my ass cheeks. “Does this not feel serious to you?”

My response is a wanton moan as he bends me over the counter before pushing down my panties. He kicks my feet wide as his fingers slide between my slick folds. “Knew you were fucking gagging for me,” he purrs huskily.

Lining the bulging head of his cock at my entrance, he slams in in one hard stroke that has me sprawling against the countertop. His firm grip on my hips holds me in place as he hammers into me until we’re both coming undone.

“That’s decided, then,” he says, still buried deep inside me. “You’ll stay here. We’ll go get your belongings tomorrow.”

I twist my fingers nervously, unable to look Carla directly in the eye.

“I’ve decided I’m going to move in with Conor,” I blurt, staring at an unknown stain on the rug in our living room as I rip off the Band-Aid.

When she doesn’t respond, I flick my gaze to hers. I expected her to be hurt that I wasn’t moving somewhere with her, only instead she seems contemplative. Her brows are pulled down and her lips are pressed into a thin line.

“Is that what you want?”

“Yes. We’ve discussed it, and I know it’s fast, but it feels right.” When she only continues to stare at me, I tack on, “I’m so sorry, Carla. I’ll help you look for a place.”

She waves away my offer. “No, it’s fine, Mia. A friend actually offered me their spare room, but I didn’t want to leave you in the lurch. However, if you’re sure about moving in with Conor, then I’ll take her up on her offer.”

My shoulders relax, knowing I’m not leaving Carla to fend for herself.

“I am.” I reach out and squeeze her hand, and finally a smile breaks through.

“I’m going to miss living with you. It’s been a wild ride.” I can’t help but burst out laughing. For sure, it’s been a wild ride for me. For her, though, I think it’s just been life as usual.

Pulling her in for a tight hug, I return the sentiment. “I’m going to miss you, too. Thank you so much for everything. I couldn’t have picked a better person to live with and teach me the city ways.”

It’s her turn to laugh. “We’ll still see each other at work, at least, and you’ll need regular girls’ days to get away from all that testosterone once in a while.”
