Page 269 of Dangerous as Sin

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How did I not see the red flags?

His phone rings and I hear him move to answer it. I don’t dare lift my head, not wanting to draw any more unwanted attention. I just want him to leave.

“Yeah,” he says into the phone. A stream of curses leaves his lips before he spits out, “Fine. I’m on my way.”

“Clean yourself up and go to bed,” he barks at me. “We’ll forget tonight ever happened.”

Turning on his heel, he stomps toward the door. My shoulders slump, knowing he’ll be gone in a second. I flinch when he speaks again. “Hopefully, you’ve learned your lesson. I’m sure you don’t want another repeat of tonight.”

Slumped on the floor, I cry silent tears as he walks away.


Conor is only gone five minutes before I pick myself off the floor. My legs will barely hold me as I stumble down the hall after him. All I want to do is shower, climb under the covers, and forget the world exists, but this is my shot.

Based on Conor’s response to whoever was on the other end of the phone and how quickly he hurried out of here, something must be happening. I need to follow him so I can catch him in the act. If I have proof that he’s involved in illegal activity, I can take it to the cops.

Given that he raped me tonight, I should be able to rock up to the police station looking like this, and he should be arrested without question, although I know that won’t happen. The O’Shea name is well known in this city, and given that I’m his girlfriend, I know he’ll find some way to get out of the charges.

But it would be challenging to argue against hard evidence.

I don’t even care what charges would be levied against him, I just want him gone. He’s clearly not going to just let me go, yet I refuse to stay here any longer. I can’t. I won’t!

Grabbing the keys to one of several cars he keeps in the underground parking garage, I stuff my feet into my ratty trainers and head out the door. I don’t care that my dress is ripped and I have panda eyes, or that my hair is sticking up all over the place and my makeup is smeared.

None of it matters as I descend in the elevator to the parking garage. As the doors slide open, I hear the slam of a car door shutting. The noise is loud enough to make me jump as I lower to a crouch, not wanting Conor to spot me.

Moving as quickly as I can while remaining low to the ground, I dart between cars as I listen to his engine rev before he pulls out of his parking space. Pressing the button on the set of keys to unlock the vehicle, lights opposite me flare to life, and I hurry into the driver's seat.

Starting the engine, I speed after him, exiting the garage as he turns left, heading across town toward his nightclub.

I stalk him across the city, careful to keep at least two cars between us. It doesn’t take long to determine that the nightclub is actually his final destination. When we turn onto the street, I slow down and pull over as he stops outside the club entrance.

I watch as he climbs out, expecting him to enter the club, but he surprises me when he walks toward the side alley, glancing up and down the street before disappearing.

Immediately, I’m out of the car, my phone clutched tightly in my hand as I sneak after him. Approaching the alley, I quickly glance around the corner. Spotting Conor up ahead, I slink around the corner, hurrying to crouch beside a dumpster to peek around it.

Conor is standing up ahead, with two men flanking him and another standing in front of him. They appear to be in the middle of a heated argument, and with shaking hands, I hurriedly open up the camera on my phone and begin recording.

I need to get closer in order to hear what they are saying, only I’m too scared to move. It becomes pointless anyway when Conor pulls a gun—one that looks exactly like the ones in his apartment—out from beneath his jacket and fires a shot right into the guy's head.

My hand clamps over my mouth as vomit climbs up the back of my throat, and I slam my eyes shut, forcing myself to take deep breaths. I can’t believe I just saw that. He just killed a guy!

I crack open one eye, hoping that I imagined what I saw. Except, my gaze immediately lands on the dead body. Real. Very fucking real.

Before I have the chance to figure anything else out, Conor and his two goons begin walking down the alley toward me. Panicking, I scurry around the side of the dumpster and wedge myself between it and the wall.

I keep my hand over my mouth in an attempt to quiet my breathing as I listen to their footsteps grow closer.

“Get someone to clean that up.” I recognize Conor’s voice, and one of the others responds as they pass by my hiding spot. I catch a brief glimpse of the three of them before they round the corner and disappear.

With full body tremors, I count to sixty, then do it another three times before I dare to move from my hiding place. I need to be gone before whomever they send to clean up arrives.

Hurrying to the mouth of the alley, I check that the coast is clear before rushing up the street toward my car. Only when I’m safely ensconced inside do I dare to look at my phone. Pressing play, I watch as Conor points his gun point blank at the guy’s head and pulls the trigger. I still can’t believe that was real, but there’s no denying the footage in front of me.

I thought I’d maybe catch Conor with drugs, or interacting with known drug dealers or something. I had no idea I’d see him literally red-handed. When I show this to the police, he’ll go down for murder. I don’t feel an ounce of guilt at that thought. Perhaps earlier, I would have, but not now. Not after tonight.

With determination coursing through my veins, I pull the car onto the road and direct it toward the nearest police station. It’s time to end this and move on with my life.
