Page 274 of Dangerous as Sin

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“Huh, she’s not what I expected.”

Same, I internally agree with my brother. She’s certainly not Conor’s usual type, although neither is having a girlfriend and allowing her to live with him. I have no idea what our little brother was thinking when he pulled that stunt. He should know better than to bring people into this life without vetting them. He should have asked for our approval before inviting her to fucking live with him.

Before giving her the prime opportunity to fuck everything up.

Our little brother has always been reckless. Being the youngest child, he’s never had to accept responsibility for anything. Everything was always handed to him, so he’s never had to work for it, never had to prove himself. He skates through life, using the O’Shea name to get him what he wants, and putting in the bare minimum of effort.

He’s more of a liability than an asset, but he’s our fucking brother, family.

Which is why we’re here, in rich-ville in the bloody mountains hunting down his girl; his fuck up.

He made a grave mistake inviting her into his apartment and his life, but she fucked up when she decided to spy on him and then take her evidence to the police. I thought for sure someone was pulling a prank on me when I got the call from some nobody detective who is apparently on our payroll, telling me that some chick was just in his precinct with a video of Conor shooting some thug.

Seriously, Conor? You couldn’t have made sure you weren’t goddamn followed?!

“Well, now that we know it’s her, what’s the plan here?” my brother asks, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. “Quick and painless?” His lips pull up in a vicious smirk, “Or do we get to have some fun first?”

Returning his expression with a savage one of my own, I tell him, “She thought she could take down the O’Sheas. You can bet your ass we’re going to make her regret the day she crossed us.”

Excitement gleams in his green eyes, before our attention is drawn to the street outside as our prey approaches.

“Stay here,” I tell him as I push open the car door. Covered head-to-toe in tattoos, he knows he has no other option except to stay put unless he wants to draw unnecessary attention. We’re not in Boston anymore, and tattoos—especially the quantity he’s sporting—will stand out in this uptight town.

Ambling down the street toward her, I make a point of knocking into her shoulder as we pass.

“Shit, I’m so sorry,” I say, not bothering to mask my Irish accent as I reach out to stabilize her.

She instantly picks up on the accent, her eyes widening in shock a split second before they narrow, fear bleeding into her hazel eyes as her pupils dilate.

I plaster on a fake smile as I ask, “Are you alright?”

“Y-yes,” she stutters, still staring at me with those fearful eyes.

“Good. Well, apologies again.” I flash my teeth at her in a smile that I know from personal experience has women clenching their thighs together. Not wanting to draw too much suspicion, I turn and walk away, not daring to look back until I hear her apartment door close behind her.

Once she’s disappeared, I pivot and head back down the sidewalk toward our car.

“Well?” my brother asks as soon as I pull the door open.

I smirk at him, the promise of payback flashing in my eyes. “I think our little mouse just realized she’s got a cat on her tail.”

My brother throws his head back and laughs. “Just wait until she finds out it’s not one cat but two.”

I gnash my teeth. “And that we like to play with our food before we eat it.”

The rest of Mia’s story will be releasing later this year.

To ensure you don’t miss it, sign up to my newsletter or join my reader group.

In the meantime, you can read more about Mia in Sophie’s series, Crescentwood—a dark, high school bully reverse harem with a stalker and gang element.

The events in Crescentwood occur 2 years after Blindsided, and the rest of Mia’s story will occur immediately following Crescentwood. However, you do not need to read Crescentwood to enjoy any part of Mia’s story.


R.A. Smyth is best known for writing contemporary dark romance filled with unexpected twists, mystery, and plenty of steam. Rachel lives in the UK with her husband and two golden retrievers, and when she’s not busy thinking up crazy cliffhangers to drive her readers insane, she enjoys inflicting the same torture on herself by reading incomplete series.

She has always been an avid reader, starting from the Harry Potter books as a kid. It’s an interest that has grown into an obsession over the years and becoming an author has been a secret lifelong dream of hers.

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