Page 278 of Dangerous as Sin

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When I close my eyes and dream, it’s her pretty green eyes I see shimmering up at me while I'm bent over her, stroking myself in and out of her, listening to her beautiful cries and whimpers as she falls apart on my cock.

I wake up humping my pillow like a rabid beast more times than I can count, and I don't even care. When I wake up in that half-dozing, half-awake, dream-like state and realize what I'm doing, I continue right on fucking my pillow, imagining it's her until I squirt sticky ropes all over it. That's how desperate and hard up I am for her.

I've never felt this way about another woman. In the past, women were a dime a dozen. I won't go so far as to call myself a player, but I'm no virgin. In my younger days, I explored and had my share of women, but lately, all I've needed was my hand to take care of my needs.

Until Grace, that is.

Now she consumes my thoughts. I can't get off without picturing her beautiful green eyes, her tight little body, and even when I do nut harder than I've ever nutted in my entire life, I'm still not satisfied. I'm always aching for more, and I know the only thing that will satisfy me is the real thing. Grace.

Even then, I suspect that one time won't be enough. If I ever get one taste of her, I’ll want more and more and more—like a heroin addict. One hit will never be enough. It'll just fuel the desire for more. Like an alcoholic, I'll have to have more and more to get my fix. I inherently know that.

Which is another reason I know it's not wise for me to be around her. I'm barely hanging on to my control by a thread.

It eventually gets to be too much, and I can't take it anymore. Just one hit. That's all I need. That's what I tell myself anyway as I sit outside her office on one of the nights that she closes. I don't like her walking home alone in these darkened streets anyway, even though I'm always there in the shadows watching over her for in case something happens. I’d feel safer if she was in my vehicle with me.

That's why when she comes out, I'm leaning against the back of my vehicle while my driver sits in the front, awaiting my orders. “Hello, Grace.”

She jumps and spins toward me with a little gasp, her green eyes going wide when she sees me. “You!” she says with surprise.

I can't exactly say I sense fear in her. It's more like an anxiousness or excitement.

I stalk over to her slowly, a smile curving my lips and my heart hammering as I get nearer to her and her sweet, berry scent washes over me. I feel my core settling and my shoulders relaxing at finally being near her again.

This woman…I need her.

“Ah, you remember me.”

She blinks up at me. “Of course I remember you.” She speaks softly, cautiously.

“And who am I?” I prompt her as my eyes rake over her, drinking her in.

She licks her lips nervously, and I fight back a groan as my eyes home in on her little tongue sliding across the puffy pink flesh of her lips.

“The man who somehow got into the office the other night and said he knows who I am,” she whispers.

“My name, tesoro,” I prompt her, needing to hear it spoken in her breathy little voice. She has yet to say my name, and I'm dying to see if it sounds the same way in real life as it does in my fevered dreams.

“Massimo,” she whispers.

I close my eyes and savor the musical sound of the syllables rolling over her tongue. My name so softly spoken in her husky little voice floods my senses, sounding even better than I ever imagined.

“Get in the car, tesoro,” I order her gently yet sternly.

Her brow furrows. “What?”

I motion to my idling vehicle. “Let me drive you home.”

She hesitates like a rabbit caught in a snare and looks between me and the car, weighing her options.

I take another step toward her to close the remaining distance between us and reach out to gently cup her cheek. Silky soft. I feel a tremble pass through her. Her lips part and her breathing quickens so that her little chest is heaving up and down.

She looks up at me with those emerald green eyes, and I see the desire hidden in their depths. She senses the predator in me. She senses the danger and power, but she's drawn to me—just like I am her.

“Come on, Gracie,” I croon to her, coaxing her gently as I take her hand and begin pulling her over to the vehicle, my skin buzzing where our palms touch.

She glances behind her as if someone is going to come and save her, but I tighten my grip on her hand. No one is going to take you away from me, tesoro.

When she turns back to me, it’s with resignation in her eyes. She swallows and gives me a brief nod. Victory swells my chest as I open the door and help her into the car before sliding in next to her.
