Page 303 of Dangerous as Sin

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Then it hits me like a freight train.

Zeke doesn’t want me.

“Look, it’s probably for the best,” Sander tells me. I stiffen when he takes hold of my chin and forces me to look at him. “I told him that as well.”

“How could you?” Every part of me is vibrating with rage as I glare at my brother. I shove his chest. “Get the hell away from me.”

I stalk off.

Without a destination.

Without any hope.

Without the promise of Zeke.

Of course, Sander sends in reinforcements. First, Luke tracks me down. My unofficially adopted brother forces me to dance with him, then he drags me into the dark kitchen and makes me a piping hot cup of coffee. He hugs me hard, even as he refrains from asking any questions about my argument with my twin. Once I’ve smiled at him, promised that I’m okay, he leaves me alone to stew in my bad mood.

Nadia is the next meddling member of my family—blood and found—to interpose. She drags me out into the dark night and thrusts a joint at me. I suck it down greedily, holding the sweet smoke in my lungs until they burn and my head spins. Intent on getting as stoned as I can manage, then sneaking into the truck I share with my brothers to lick my wounds in peace, I barely allow her a toke.

Then Everett finds me.

“Dunno what’s goin’ on with you two,” he informs me as he hands my phone to me. “Just know that Sander told me to give this to you. He said it’ll make you a teensy bit less murderous.”

“Not sure about that,” I retort. Lifting the device to my ear without checking who’s called me, my tone is curt as I say, “What?”

“Cherub,” Slash says my nickname in his velvety smooth baritone. “Wanted to ring and wish you a Happy New Year from me and Zeke and Toker.”

“That’s funny,” I snap. “Thought I’d hear this in person.”

“I know… it’s just…” He trails off and I can imagine him letting down his man-bun then retying it on the top of his head. If Slash has a tell, that’s it. Whenever he can’t find the right words, he fusses with his hair. “Shit went downhill fast tonight, but I want you to know that I have faith that it’s only a temporary detour.”

“Really?” My tone is petulant. Because it doesn’t feel that way to me.”

“I won’t tell you what to do,’ he promises. “Just want ya to know that most things have a way of workin’ themselves out for the best. This will too.”

“I guess I’ll have to take your word for it.”

“Have I ever lied to you?” he asks. “Have I ever sugar-coated shit for you? Ever given you a reason not to trust me?”



“I’m sorry. I’m confused… but I shouldn’t be taking it out on you.”

“Got wide shoulders, little Cherub. I can handle anything you throw at me.”

Gratitude fills me and the bleakness that’s engulfed me since Sander passed on Zeke’s message lifts a little. “Promise I’ll still see you? You won’t drop me over this...”

“Never. We’re ride or die.”

My next words are genuine. “I love you.”

“Love you more.” Slash ends the call before I can reply.

I feel myself smiling before I realise that he’s achieved exactly what he set out to do. He’s calmed me down. Taken the sting out of Zeke’s rejection. As usual, Slash is the voice of reason. The calm in the storm. I decide to send him a new book tomorrow to say sorry for being a petulant cow to him.

“Now go and kick Sander’s arse,” Everett tells me. “That’ll make everything better.”
