Page 318 of Dangerous as Sin

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When his face turns a scorching scarlet that telegraphs his growing rage, I continue, “Was that you trotting behind her with your wallet open, snivelling like a fool—” I smirk. “—‘Why yes, Charlotte. Let me take those trays from you. Of course, Charlotte, I’d be happy to donate to the fund for the new children’s playground.’” Cocking my head to the side, I peer at him with mocking mirth in my eyes. “Or was that some other lovesick fool?”

My scornful rendition of his behaviour tonight makes the tips of his ears redden. The explosion that I know is coming doesn’t stop me. I relish making him lose control while I keep my equilibrium. He hates it—which is all the more reason to keep winding him up. In truth, it’s the only side effect from my medication that I enjoy. “Honestly, Dad? Don’t you think it’s a bit rich for you to lecture me when you’re unable to contain your drooling around your girlfriend from twenty-five years ago?”

The reaction I was working toward doesn’t eventuate and an icy shiver of foreboding runs down my spine when he simply grins at me. “If I were you, I wouldn’t be so interested in what the gossips have to say about me. I’d be more worried about how you’re going to deal with Brutus and his boys once they find out you had your hands on Lilianna. If you don’t devise a suitable explanation, you’re in for a world of hurt, my boy.”

Dad holds his hand out to my mother. “Lizzie, I think it’s time for you to turn in for the night.”

She places her palm in his, questioning eyes moving between the pair of us. “Aren’t you going to forbid him from seeing this girl again? She’s hardly in our circle—”

“I am not forbidding anything.” My father cuts her off before she can get going. “Why would I? I know firsthand how enjoyable it can be to take a walk on the wild side before settling down with someone useful.”

The jab isn’t subtle. Neither is my mother’s reaction to his comment about Charlotte. Pain of a magnitude that I can’t comprehend in my dead hearted state fills her face. If I could find it in me to push past the numbness to care, I’d feel bad for her. But I don’t. The specifics of my father’s relationship with Charlotte Hannaford are a closely guarded secret, but it’s clear to me that her existence is a thorn in both my parents’ sides.

For my father, she’s an object of desire.

To my mother, she’s a reminder of her failure.

Dad ignores my mother’s misery and turns his full attention to me. “If you listen to one thing that I tell you, make it this. Do. Not. Allow this girl run you in circles. Put her in her place and do it quickly. If you can bring her to heel, then you might succeed in snatching the payback you deserve and fulfilling the obligations of your last name with a woman you can stomach by your side. I failed to do this—I implore you to listen to me for once.”

Usually, I’d tell him where to shove off.

This time, his advice makes sense.

The small taste I had of Anna tonight was enough to whet my appetite for more. That in itself is not normal—I prefer to screw their brains out one time and then make them leave.

Hump and dump if you want to be crass.

Anna roused something in me I thought I had under control.

Being near her tempted me to set my monster free.

Which is strange since I was certain that my brush with the law the first and last time that I let him off his leash had scared me straight. If the threat of a criminal record wasn’t a big enough incentive to control myself, then my grandfather’s promise to disinherit me if I got caught again should have been. It’s a tightrope I walk, one I thought I was expert at.

“I’m listening,” I tell my dad. “How exactly this would work?”

His eyes light up, the small nod he gives me conveying the promise that once he’s put my mother to bed, he will track me down to talk. As they ascend the curved marble staircase, I watch them leave with a sick hope in my heart. My mother’s back is straight, worry stiffening her posture. I know she’s concerned about the advice my father will impart, yet I can’t find it in me to heed her caution.

If I had to choose between my parents, Dad would win hands down.

My mother is weak. My father is dangerous. Menace calls to me much more than fragility.

Eventually, I notice that his spine is equally rigid as my mother’s—for opposite reasons. It’s clear that he has a different take on this situation. His stance telegraphs his arrogant satisfaction. It buoys me, and I stand taller in turn. For the first time in my life, I have the chance to make one of my parents proud of me.


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Old friends Delaney and Elliott have been fighting the urge to upgrade their long-time friendship to relationship status. Delaney is in the dark about her nerdy, sexy, ravishing best friend and his career path. Elliott certainly has some bad-boy secrets that he hasn’t shared with her. Events transpire after a formal gala and a night back at her place that will change the trajectory of their relationship status. Will they upgrade? Or be forced to break it off entirely?

