Page 366 of Dangerous as Sin

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“When she gets turned on, she’ll clench your head between her legs, mewl and plead for you to fall off the cliff with her. I remember when I would push into her tight little pussy, she -,” Mia cut me off.

“That’s enough, Mr. Waters!”

I watched as she shooed the men out the door. The one in a blue suit and silver tie lingered, and she almost pleaded with him to go.

Who the fuck was this guy?

Before I could even ask, she turned on me with fire in her eyes. She was pissed, and I was laughing. “You think this is funny?”

“I think you like me,” I gave her an emphasized smoldering look as I ran my fingers through my hair.

“I will just tell everyone you are lying,” she said in a whisper.

“I still have the video; I watch you come on my cock nightly.” When she had no more words I continued with my voice loud enough that the men behind the mirror could hear me as well. “If you don’t let me see Mad Dog privately you’re going to find me in that lobby every day telling anyone who will listen how well you suck my cock. I will tell them in explicit detail how you tremble when you come. I will even tell them about the tat-,” she put her hand over my mouth, and I licked it.

“What the hell?” She questioned as she pulled her hand away.

“I licked it, now it’s mine… again,” I smiled. “You know how good it used to be,” I whispered in her ear as I brushed her chestnut hair off her shoulder. “Come and be angry with me at the hotel,” I offered and I saw her thinking about it, but then that rage covered her face once more and she kneed me in the balls.

I grabbed my manhood and fell to the floor as my breath fled my lungs. I curled into a fetal position, as pain rippled through my body, and tears filled my eyes. I prayed that one day my nuts would still work to have kids.

“You mouthed off to her, didn’t you?” The man with the silver tie inquired as he stood in the doorway with Mad Dog. Dog was laughing as they brought him in the room. “She’s our best agent. She can bring most anyone in without a single bullet being fired.”

“Yeah, she always did have brass tits,” I groaned as I climbed up off the floor. “I want five minutes with him, uninterrupted, and in private.”

Mia started to object, but the man in the tie shook his head.

“It’s my case, you’re just the witness, remember,” he told her as he wrapped his arm around her and started to walk out into the hallway. I got to my feet just in time to see him grab her ass and lift her off the floor in a kiss. I turned and with both fists I hit the hollow table and watched the legs crumble under the sudden blast.

“Feel better?” Mad Dog questioned as I stepped on the broken tin and took a seat.

“So much fucking better.”


I sat in my makeshift office in this tiny little town a twenty-minute drive from Norfolk and looked at the police reports they had on Kevin. He was suspected of nearly eleven murders inside the prison and it broke my heart when I saw the findings read that it was all in self-defense. Guilt started to erode my anger. I had put him there.

“Hey, you okay?” Harris asked as he leaned in the doorway. “You look a little pale.”

“Just thinking about the past,” my voice was barely a whisper. “Seems like it was so long ago, but it was only five years. What was that in the hallway?”

“I thought you needed some comfort after dealing with him,” Harris replied. His kiss was far from comfort, he hadn’t kissed me that roughly ever. “Are you thinking of amending your statement?”

“Why would I?” I demanded an answer.

“Because you lied,” Harris knew the truth. “I know why you did it. I know you think the world is safer with your dad in custody, and you believe Kane will come for your dad to get to you. I think some part of you also believes that your dad can tell you what happened to our agent. I know everything you are doing is for good reason, but you are breaking the law just like those you are rendering judgment on.”

I hated the way Harris could turn things around and make me see them for what they were. One little lie could save dozens of lies, but it didn’t make me any better than the man I was trying to save them from.

“Truthfully, I left my statement worded so it is open to interpretation, not an outright lie. I know my dad is a dangerous man, and he deserves whatever we do to him. Some part of me thinks I will find peace when he is locked away forever. He buys the police, he sweet talks women, and he thinks that wearing that leather cut will get him out of anything, but he’s wrong. He can’t continue hurting people-,” my voice trailed off. “A stronger person would leave him out there and let Kane kill him, but he’s still my dad and I want Kane strapped down with the state flooding his veins with a lethal injection.”

I could tell Harris was starting to question how involved I planned to be in this, but I was going the distance. Nothing had gone the way I expected it, so it was time to change my expectations. The arresting, holding my dad away from visitors, and even my conversation with Kevin had gone wrong. I wanted to use our history to get any information that I could tie any of them to the fire, but instead my hormones got sent down memory lane.

“You know, it’s an odd feeling to want justice, vengeance, and compassion for the same person. I don’t want to see my dad hurt, but I want him to suffer.”

“I think you’re playing with fire,” Harris warned as I looked down at the photos of Kevin again.

“I can handle this.”
