Page 375 of Dangerous as Sin

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My heart constricted as I ran past one, two, three… countless bar gates lining up both sides of the corridor.

Emmie had to be in one of them. I wanted to look for her, but my only choice was to make a run for it, and once I was back at the castle, I could get help. The King would spare no soldier, nor resources to rescue his beloved daughter.

At the end of the corridor was a set of stairs which I took two steps at a time, thanks to my penchant for staying active through daily hikes and/or runs.

My body was athletic, and this was a blessing as I quickly reached the top of the stairs and pushed on a tall, arched wooden door.

The moment I stepped over the threshold, light flooded me, a strange hum overwhelming my senses.

The first thing I noticed was the sky. It was black with twinkling lights sprinkled throughout, and a large white sphere giving off a bright light which rivaled the sun.

I looked up to my sides as something I’d never seen before whizzed past. Some kind of long wagon on metal pipes.

By the goddess.

I spun in place, hands clammy and lungs frozen as I took in my surroundings. Tall buildings devoid of the greenery covering every structure in Frentani. I could see the street a few yards away, people bustling to and fro, dressed in unfamiliar clothes.

Something that looked like an otherworldly stagecoach stopped in front of the alley I was standing in, so I glued myself to the wall, unsure of what to do. I needed to keep running before the demon found me, but I was rendered frozen by the state of all that I saw, plus I didn’t know if the people on the streets posed another danger to me. Back against the wall, I watched, rapt, as a group of people got on the stagecoach, before it sped away on its own, no horses or watchers dragging it behind them because this contraption also seemed to run on top of metal rails.

My breathing was going haywire, along with my heart.

Because one thing was clear. This wasn’t my world.



“Fuck,” I ground out, holding my head with both hands as pain pulsated through my skull. I looked around, disoriented, until it all trickled back into my memory.

The gate of the dungeon cell was wide open, though there was no little creature to be seen.

I didn’t know her name. The girl with the luscious blonde hair. Squeezing my palm into a fist, I remembered the way the thick shiny strands felt in my grasp, and I suddenly wished to do more of it, preferably with my dick in the mix. Her plump tits looked snug in the gold-toned bustier covering her supple curves. She was tall, lean, and could pack a punch. Or rather, a headbutt.

Few had the capability of knocking me out, but then again, few had ever tried. Apparently, she either didn’t know who I was or had a death wish. I’d done a good job of building my reputation.

Demon. Bastard. Villain.

The little creature had caught me by surprise, and it would be the first and last time she ever bested me.

Letting out another pained groan, I stood, shaking my head to dispel the dizziness. I grabbed for the aether gun on my hip, pulling it out and making my way down the dungeon’s corridor. My cousin, Ruslan, and a couple of guards were walking toward me, with guns in hand.

“What’s going on?” Ruslan said. His keen eyes scanned me for injuries.

I shook my head again. Remnants of pain refused to leave me. “The fucking girl that came with the princess escaped.”

Ruslan threw his head back with laughter I didn’t appreciate. I fisted a hand, ready to clock him in the jaw. Instead, I glared and sneered at him. This didn’t stop his chuckle. “You let some little Frentanian female escape?”

I gripped my gun so hard, and out of pure rage, pointed it at him.

Yes, Ruslan was my best friend and cousin, but I wouldn’t allow anyone to disrespect me. Not even him. Especially when we were around our guards.

There was a reason my uncle had made me his right-hand man. His acquisitions officer, trusted with the only crystals which could open a portal to each of the realms in our world. I felt the crystals in question warm inside their pouch, which I always kept inside my jacket pocket.

Ruslan stood in front of me, wincing as he stared at my forehead. “Well, that’s quite the bump you got there.”

She’d hit me hard enough to cause a bump.

Pushing the men out of my way, I made it to the stairs at the end of the hallway. “Stop yapping and help me find her, you asshole.”
