Page 402 of Dangerous as Sin

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Heather glanced over at the stage. "Don't know. She wandered in here a little while ago and asked for an audition. I didn't think Bruce took her seriously since she's not like the others, but the next thing I knew she was up there and dancing. The guys seem pretty impressed, huh?"

I grunted. Impressed was an understatement. It was taking all of my control not to let my neanderthal asshole loose, go up on that stage and fucking spread her legs under the bright lights so I could get a better look.


My stance faltered a moment before I locked my muscles and ground my jaw even tighter. I'd need a dentist by the end of the day at this rate. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Anyways," Heather pouted. "She's on her third song and I think she's got more money in that G-string of hers than I've seen all week."

The grumpy sarcasm from the usual sunshine that was Heather finally cut through my brain fog. I forced my gaze away from the woman on stage and back to my employee. "Third song?" That sounded excessive. What the hell were my guys up to?

She nodded and wandered off to go wait on a customer who'd flagged her down before I said anything else and I decided whatever this "audition" was, it was officially over. I whistled at the DJ running the music from his booth and ran my finger along my throat to indicate he should cut it off.

He did. Mid song. Mid thrust. Mid cheer. All the guys immediately started bitching until they turned and spotted me. That shut them up.

Tel, our normally reserved computer hacker, was the first at my side. "What's up boss?" he asked, still staring at the woman on stage. Now that she'd stopped humping the pole, I could see that she was even more beautiful than I'd imagined. Long blonde hair that fell down her back in waves that skimmed the top of that gorgeous ass I'd noticed first. That damned thing was going to star in all my fantasies henceforth whether I liked it or not. Fucking perfect peach.

I needed to stop thinking about fruit and taking bites or I was going to go out of my mind.

"Since when do we put a newbie through a three-song audition? Either we're hiring her or we're not. I could tell in thirty seconds she would fit." I probably should have throttled back on the anger surging through me since Tel had nothing to with the pounding in my head, but I was ready to take it out on someone and he’d willingly walked into the line of fire.

"You're right," he sighed, fucking wistfully looking back at the stage that now stood empty. "She's incredible."

"If you're going to hang out here while we're working, I need you to keep your head in the game. Did you even bother to notice the shiner on Heather?"

"What?" He swiveled his head in search of the waitress, who'd disappeared behind the kitchen door with her notepad. "Where?"

"That's what I thought. I want some intel on that baby daddy of hers. It's time for us to show him the error of his ways."

"Well, fuck. We've been so busy lately. I forgot."

"Me too so don't bust your own balls about it. We'll take care of it now and that will be the end of it."

"Yeah," he agreed, already opening his laptop on the bar. "I'll have everything on him in a few minutes and let you know."

"Appreciate it." I walked away, somewhat pacified that I'd reined in my anger. Now I needed to find Bruce and make sure he knew to hire that girl. I headed in the direction of the manager's office, but found myself wandering off course to the backstage area instead. There was something about that girl...



"Well, that didn't go exactly as planned," I muttered under my breath. I really wanted this job at this club. I NEEDED it.

My bills had piled up and I still owed a debt to my former boss that I needed to pay.

And this place had a better reputation by a mile for taking care of their girls than any other club in a sixty-mile radius and that was about as far as I could go and that was pushing it. My piece of shit car wouldn't last six months if I had to commute. This was close enough to walk.

Maybe it was finally time to leave Sultan. It's not as if this small town had done me any favors over the years. Bouncing around from one foster home to the next until I'd finally aged out had left its mark.

Not to mention the jobs I’d had to take to keep food in my mouth and a roof over my head.

Although I had just moved into a one room loft above the only Mexican restaurant in town and I didn't want to move again anytime soon. It may have been all I could afford for now, but it was the first place I'd lived all by myself and I had plans for making it my own. Not to mention since my landlord ran the restaurant below, one of the perks was a free hot meal whenever I wanted it.

I shoved the ridiculous heels I'd worn onstage into my bag and reached for the rest of my street clothes. As I shoved my legs into my jeans and pulled them over my hips, heavy footsteps sounded behind me.

Great. Just what I needed. The manager coming to let me down in person. Screw that. I didn't need to stick around for whatever excuse he was going to use. By now I'd heard them all. Starting with "you need to lose some weight first". The biggest bullshit line I'd heard in my life. So what if I had curves. I looked damn good and if he didn't agree then he could go to--


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