Page 405 of Dangerous as Sin

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He shrugged. "Not sure. I didn't catch the details. Heather talked to him before he left. Maybe she knows."

I nodded, adding that to my list of things I wanted to talk to my waitress about. "Okay. I'll check in with her later."

"Who do you want me to get to fill in for Bruce tonight?"

I felt the motorcycle ride I’d been planning to take and the idea of a random hookup tonight slipping through my fingers. "I'll do it."

"You sure? Half the club is still lingering about. I'm sure I could get someone else. And what about the girls? We need replacements."

I looked over at the bar where I spied Tel furiously typing into his computer as the woman I'd just hired gave him information. "I'll check with the new girl and see if she wants to start tonight. It's the middle of the week. I doubt we're going to draw a big crowd."

Bear smiled. "You hired her, huh?"

I gave him a side eye. "Of course I did. If she can turn my entire club into a group of simpering idiots then she'll have the real customers eating out of her hands. It will be great for business."

"Mhmm." Bear laughed, not even bothered by being included in the group of idiots. I hadn't missed his role in that crowd feeding money into her G-string. "I suspect middle of the week won't be dead for long if she's on stage."

I shook my head. "I don't know what you're thinking in that big head of yours, but you assholes can't afford to hang around here every night. We've got a lot of shit coming down the pike." For years I'd been trying to claw this club out of the gutter our former president had put us in, and we were almost there. But every one of us needed to keep our eyes on the prize, not the new girl.

"I hear ya, boss. Just making a prediction is all. You wait and see. She's going to be a good one. If you need anything else I'm going to go let everyone know what's up tonight and send the rest of the crew back to the compound. If you change your mind about staying here let me know."

I grunted my assent and made my way across the room to the bar, arriving just in time to overhear her announce her name.

"Sasha Marie Brown. That's my full legal name."

"Got it," Tel said, flying his fingers across the keys and no doubt performing magic with the information like he always did.

Sasha. That was an interesting name and now I was curious to see what information Tel came up with about her.

"Can you start tonight?" I interrupted.

She jerked on the stool and I reached out to grab her before she fell off and onto her ass. Just like before when I'd touched her, I marveled at the softness of her skin, remembering the light scent of her lotion that had tickled my nose, as well as the glitter that made her shine.

"Tonight," she squeaked once I'd steadied her back on the stool and released her.

"Yeah. A couple of our girls have called in and since tonight should be kind of slow, it would be an easy shift for your first."

"Uhm.” She hesitated for a second. “I guess so. What time?" She looked uneasy as she squeezed and twisted her fingers.

"Shift starts in an hour. The other girls will start trickling in soon. You can go ahead and get set up in the back whenever you want. Do you need to call anyone or go anywhere first?" She'd already said there was no boyfriend, but there could be others. Maybe a kid. I'd definitely have to check in with Tel to get more of her story once he'd had time to do her background. For now, I'd take the risk of one night and keep an eye on her myself. We couldn't afford any new trouble.

"No, I'm good. I brought a couple of costumes with me just in case."

Just in case. I nodded, feeling impressed. She'd come prepared. Probably with a plan to do whatever it took to get a job here. Interesting.

I didn't say anything further, instead letting the silence stretch between us until Tel interjected.

"I'm almost done with her paperwork. We should be good to go there shortly."

I nodded and then turned and walked away, making my way back to my office and the bottle of bourbon I'd left behind. It was going to take more than one finger of that shit to get this woman out of my head.

As I watched Sasha take the stage for the first time, it was impossible to ignore the pull of attraction pulsing through my body. Every move she made was sensuous and alluring, and I found myself captivated by her every step. Along with every other man watching her.

It seemed no amount of bourbon was actually going to get this out of my system.

The sudden flare of possessiveness caught me off guard as I swallowed a snarl. I barely knew her and I certainly had no reason to feel anything. And yet, the tightening in my chest continued to the point it nearly burned.

I should have stayed in my office where I belonged. There was a mountain of paperwork waiting for me. That was one of my least favorite things about running legit businesses.
