Page 409 of Dangerous as Sin

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Whether she realized it or not, she'd made an offer that in that moment I'd been ready to take. Only I wouldn't have just kissed her. Fuck no. I would have laid her out on that goddamned counter and feasted like the starving man I was.

It was a good thing she'd run from the club like her ass was on fire. My dick had been so fucking hard from watching her eat a damned sandwich. Hell, it still was. Even though it shouldn't be.

I'd jacked off so much this week I was in danger of chafing. Because all I could picture was her perfect body on the stage, or her perfect tits in that tight fucking tank top she'd worn after, and her little tongue darting from her mouth to lick at the mayonnaise that had clung to her lips.

I was fucking out of my mind.

I jerked to my feet and prowled the room. I had more than enough club business to keep me occupied, and yet every chance it got, my mind wandered back to a certain blonde who was taking my strip club by storm.

Heat surged through my veins.

"Hey, boss." Axel poked his head through the door. "You ready for us? Or do you still need a minute?"

I could see the mirth in his eyes as he asked the question. I had a feeling my guys were half annoyed with my mood, and half entertained. It hadn't taken long for them to figure out what--or who--had gotten under my skin and now they were reporting "her success" at the club every chance they got. Assholes.

"Yeah. Get your asses in here. We need to set our game plan and get on the road within the hour. I want this deal done."

Tonight was supposed to be the last of our gun deals, and I needed it to go smooth. But the constant burn in my stomach and the hairs raised on the back of my neck did not bode well. I trusted my instincts and something told me tonight would be difficult.

The Canadians were not thrilled with us about giving up our hold on the illegal guns and the crews willing to take up the mantle were thus far unreliable. But I didn't care. We'd given all parties more than enough time to work out their shit, and they were dragging their fucking feet.

Now we had to force their hands.

"You ready for tonight?" Axel asked, when he returned after spreading the word I was ready to meet.

"About as ready as I'll ever be. I'm sick of everyone dragging this out. Especially our guys."

As if they’d heard me talking about them, the two brothers I'd been thinking of walked through the door. Rich and Fangs were the last two hold outs on the old ways. They were still actively fighting all the changes to the club, and I'd officially hit the end of my rope. I'd tolerated their shit long enough. Tonight was do or die for them whether they realized it or not.

"You two ready to end this?" I asked them pointedly. If they didn't get the fuck on board, I was going to make them. There's been enough infighting and blood shed by this club. It had to stop.

Both men glared at me, but neither answered. Of course it didn't take words for me to see that they were still taking issue. But this was it. Tonight was it. If they weren't going to move into the future they had to go.

"Your president asked you a fucking question," Axel exploded. His patience had ended as well, only he didn't hide it well. He made an excellent VP and counterpoint to me, but he still had a way to go in the diplomacy department.

"Sure. I guess," they mumbled under their breaths as they took seats at the opposite end of the table.

When Axel shot me a glance, I gave him a look that indicated we'd deal with it later. Everyone was jumpy enough about this last run without adding in an internal fight.

"Alright, listen up," I started before Axel could go too far. "We've got one final job to take care of before we can put this chapter of our lives behind us." I tempered my anger and focused on the determination we all had to get this done.

"JD, are you sure you want us all on this one? There isn't much room for error. One mistake could cost lives." I could read between the lines of what Cash was saying, but I'd made up my mind.

"I hear you, brother. I really do. But we're either all in on this or it's not going to work. We need everyone this go round." I hated that there were still men divided on this issue, but I knew every last one of them wanted this payday. I was more worried about what came after. "We've all put in a lot of work to get us out of this fucking hole, and we're almost there. This is our chance to finally put our past behind us and start fresh." I let those words sink in a moment before I continued. "We already put this to a vote and the club decided. But I will say this one last time. If anyone doesn't agree with the direction we're headed you need to speak up now. After today it's done. I won't hear another word about it."

Silence ensued as I looked around the table at each brother. When I got to Rich and Fangs, I hesitated. They were still angry. I could see it on their faces. "Rich? Fangs?" I didn't want to call them out, but I wasn't kidding. Last fucking chance. If they questioned me again, I would take care of it the hard way.

Both men shook their heads and I moved on. Maybe I was wrong about them and they were finally ready to accept the new reality. A cleaner club meant we could all sleep better at night. At least I hoped so. I'd still be watching my fucking back.

"Do you really think the Canadians are going to let us go after this?" Zook chimed in. "They've profited as much if not more from our work over the years than we have."

"Only time will tell. But we knew what we were getting into when we each joined this club. If what we did was easy, we'd all be bored to death."

"Damn right," Axel said, pounding the table with his fist. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep this club on top. Fuck the Canadians. Nobody tells us what we can and can't do."

A round of cheers echoed through the room as the energy of the mission coalesced. Fired up was good. They'd need to ride that high until we got safely home.

Eventually, after each one added their thoughts to Axel's, they all settled back down and the room fell into a wary silence. We were as ready as we were going to be. They were all nervous about the future, and I understood that. We were making big changes and not everyone loved change. But I knew each and every one of them was as devoted to this club as I was. Even Rich and Fangs. They hated the change, but they loved this club.
