Page 57 of Dangerous as Sin

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His jaw tenses but he doesn’t respond.

“Let me.” I tend to the damage I did to him, trying to pay him as much attention as he did me, and when I’m done, I hop off the counter and relieve myself. No need for a UTI along with the flesh wounds.

I come out to find that he’s changed and is putting a new set of sheets on the bed. He gives me another shirt, since the one I’m wearing has a mixture of our blood speckled all over it, and a pair of his sweat shorts to put on. I draw the strings tight around my waist to prevent them from immediately falling off.

It isn’t long until his breaths even out, lulling him fast to sleep. I doze in and out, but wake with the sun, sneaking out of his penthouse before he can notice I’m no longer by his side.

I don’t regret sleeping with the enemy, it’s just now, I have no idea how to move forward.


I dig through my notes and try to find a connection, any thread that can point me in the right direction on how to uncover the truth.

The terrible reality that my dead brother wasn’t a victim after all.

I had been so focused on the who, that I never quite figured out the why. I didn't need to know. I had all the information I needed. Jared had been murdered, and I would avenge his death. I would bring justice to his killer since the system had failed him. It's not exactly why I went to school to be an attorney, but sometimes we have to take the law into our own hands if we want things done.

Had I acted irrationally, based purely on my revenge-fueled rage, I would have killed Savini without uncovering any of this. Now, I must cross my t's and dot my i's if I'm going to be confident in taking someone else's life. I should have never been this careless.

That stops today. I will piece this together if it’s the last thing I do.

A knock at my door sends the papers falling out of my hands. I glance at my phone and hope whoever it is will go away.

Only, they don’t.

Another rumble, this time louder, more urgent.

I huff and stand, dusting off my jeans and stomping toward my interruption. “Can I help you?” I say while opening the door.

The thing bursts out of my hand and stone-faced as ever, Lorenzo Savini waltzes into my apartment.

How the fuck did he find out where I live? And why is he here?

I tuck my hair behind my ear and come up with the best thing I can think of. “I’m sorry I didn’t say goodbye when I left. I had some important work to get done for a project…”

Savini holds his finger out in front of me. “I don’t want to hear it.”

I cross my arms and narrow my gaze. “Excuse me?”

He shoves past me, walking right over to the haphazard piles of papers.

“You can’t—”

But he doesn’t care about my protest.

He picks up one of the pages, looks it over and then tosses it aside. “Does Axel know about this?”

My heart thuds against my ribcage. “What?” How could he possibly have gathered what that was after studying it for two seconds?

Savini takes a long breath in and exhales. “Jared.”

I do everything I can not to react, but my widened eyes are no doubt a dead giveaway.

“You weren’t that hard to find, you know?” Savini slowly strolls around my living room, scanning the contents. “Banks Manor. You have your mother’s last name. But a quick search shows you have a half-brother, who, naturally, took his father’s last name.”

He continues to wander around my apartment while I remain frozen in place.

“I should have known when you started asking questions.” Savini shakes his head methodically and clicks his tongue. “I should have been more cautious when a random, stunning woman showed up at a known criminal gathering place, a lost little deer, wandering into a lion’s den. I should have connected the dots when I saw you with Axel. But no…” He rubs his forehead. “I was too fucking blinded to see what was right in front of me.”
