Page 79 of Dangerous as Sin

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I palm the back of my neck. “What kind of life could I give a woman? Doing what I do. I'd make a terrible husband.”

Taking a moment to choose my words, I look away. Inhale. Blow air. “Miss Masterson, you’re an intelligent woman…” I level a finger at her…

“… You know the sort of man Leone Romano is. You may have chosen to be his mistress, for whatever reason, but you do know what he is. The events in the restaurant only underlined the people and activities he’s involved with.”

She shuffles, looking uncomfortable. Resentful even, “I’m neither blind nor stupid.”

“So, therefore, you know what I am. You think Romano would entrust you to my care if he didn’t know he can rely on me to do what was necessary, whatever was necessary, to protect you? With or without direct orders from him.”

Impatience bites at her face. “So, what’s your point?”

“Miss Masterson… Who would want to be my partner? What woman would want to be with me once she realised what I do for a living?”

Her brow furrows. “But what do you want?”

Heat rises up my neck. “I don't want to be tied at the hip to a woman I have to lie to about what I am.” Understanding blooms over her face like an unfurling flower. “I can't commit. I can't promise to spend all my time with a woman, or to be a good husband. I can't promise to be a good father either, or even to survive long enough to try. If I can't make those kinds of promises, how could I ask any woman to be close to me? Or to have children with me? It simply wouldn’t be fair.”

Puffing out her cheeks, she nods. “Yes, I get that.” Something crosses her face. “You're a good man, Hickman.”

“I'm a gun for hire.”

She shrugs. “As you say… Hickman…”


She inhales. “I think you'd make a wonderful husband.”

My heart bangs.


Katya’s mobile rings. She smiles as Romano’s avatar flashes up. “Leo. Darling. It’s lovely to hear from you.” Tipping her head in apology to me, she cups her hand to her mouth, turning away as she speaks.

“If you’ll excuse me, Miss Masterson...” I make for the kitchenette, as much because I’m ready for a coffee as to give her the privacy she clearly wants.

I spoon grinds into the filter, snatches of conversation drifting through… “Yes, my Love, he’s been taking very good care of me… An absolute gentleman…”

Flushing a bit, I click on the switch, but even over the hiss of steam, the words carry through…

“Yes, I will… Of course… I love you too. I’ll see you soon, I hope?”

As coffee trickles into the cup, she’s stopped talking and I stick my head around the door. “Miss Masterson, how would you like your coffee?”

“Is a cappuccino possible?”

“I’m sure it is. Give me a minute.” I put milk on to heat, then work through drawers and cupboards for a whisk.

From the back of my pants, my mobile vibes. Again, Romano’s avatar. I tap in. “Sir?”

“Hickman, where are you?”

“In the kitchenette of the hotel suite, sir. Miss Masterson is in the lounge where she was just speaking to you from.”

“She’s not in the room with you?”

“No, sir. She’s next door. I’m just making coffee.”

“Fine. Hickman, listen carefully. This evening, take her out to wherever she wants to eat. Get her out and well away from the hotel. Make it quick. I’d prefer she doesn’t suffer. Ideally, I don’t want her to know it’s coming. Get rid of the body afterwards.”
