Page 226 of Vows and Vendettas

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We were electric.

And together, we shuddered.

“Please, Rían. I need it,” she pleaded so softly, I pulled back to kiss her cheek gently.

I whispered against her, just as quietly, “Anything for you.”

Then she came, and every single item used was covered in her wet heat. My hand was thick with her come, the head of my gun bathed in it and the steel blade getting the reminisce of what is covering us both already. I could see the wet patch in the middle of the sheets as she continued to gush long after I pulled out and tossed both the gun and the knife to the side. I never wasted a second as I moved back, gripped her hips and flipped her in such quick succession, she cried out from the rush.

There was slack in the restraints, so while I flipped her to her knees, the binding forced her to cross her arms awkwardly and place her chin on her risen wrists. I smacked her ass, the plentiful globe bouncing with the assault. A second later, my boxers were gone and my cock was buried so far inside of her, I felt resistance. “So fucking perfect,” I spat in what sounded like anger, but in truth, it was just too much desire to know what to do with it.

Wrapping my hand around her throat, I lifted her up so her back was flush with my chest, her shoulders hunched as the cuffs pulled her in the opposite direction. She moaned and a little giggle of appreciation fluttered past her kiss-swollen lips. I punctuated my hips, rutting into her with wild abandon as she clamped around me and sucked me in as deep as I could go. She wanted it all and she fucking took it with a sultry mewl that had my balls aching. With my hold on her throat, I helped her bounce on my cock, and too soon after, my balls jumped into my core and I was pumping my load inside of her. I coated her walls white, pulse after pulse, I filled her with my seed, and the sigh I let out, was nothing but pure fucking relief.

“I fucking love you, Lessie. Hold on a little longer, love. Soon enough, we’ll make them all fucking pay.”



“Alex, wake up.”

The muffled noise was making my head ache. I knew the tone and I knew who it belonged to. I had the perfect night, was fucked into bliss and the ecstasy chased away the nightmares. I just needed another moment of rest. My alarm was set for six a.m. every damn morning. Without fail, however, treachery and deceit never slept.

I’d need to be up for fifteen minutes before the day even started. So I could just lay there and let everything catch up. Allow the darkness to sweep through me so I could put my armor back in place and make sure it couldn’t shift throughout the day. Then I’d hit the home gym, get everything pumping and my instincts high on alert before grabbing breakfast and going over all of my business ventures that needed my attention and digging up dirt on the next ally I was about to extort for my cause.

Our cause.

I hated the divide that was between myself and Rían. I wished that when I woke, it was his face I saw. I ached for it. My soul physically wept. Even though I had him, and he was finally mine like I’d always dreamed, in a way that I always dreamed, it was still unbearable torture. To only have half of him, was a torment I’d endure. Ronnie standing above my bed and kicking one of its legs in order to try and wake me was the exact reason he never could spend the entire night.

You never knew when shit was about to hit the fan and your overly muscled bodyguard would come calling unannounced.

“Alex, girl. Wake up, we got a problem.”

Laying on my front, my head buried into the pillow and my right arm across my chest, I silently chastised him. Exasperated and easily infuriated I reached out and latched onto Ronnie’s wrist so quickly, I hadn’t even moved from my position of slumber. Rolling, I brought him with me, and as he landed on his back, the wind knocked out of him and I, on top, kept rolling until I stood from the bed with ease and glided across the room for my robe. A suited and masked Killian had his arm extended, waiting for me.

“What a gentleman,” I purred, knowing full well he wore a smirk behind that frown. “Why are you waking me up at three a.m,, Ronnie?”

“Did you have to be so rough?” he grunted, sitting up to glare at me.

“Did you have to wake me?” I countered, and he just huffed with annoyance.

“Yes, princess. I did.”

Turning, I leveled him with a thick frown through narrowed eyes. “Low blow.”

That made him laugh as he stumbled from the bed, closer to the center of the room. “That bloke we saw the other day? The one who was mean mugging you outside of Locks?”

I stopped by the door and turned to face him with a delicate lift of my brow. “What about him?”

“I did some digging. He’s a private investor. Looks like someone wants to know all that they can about little ol’ Alessia Black.”

My blood boiled at the thought as my gaze shifted between Ronnie and Kilian. We all knew what this meant. “One of our allies turned dirty.” It wasn’t a question.

It was a statement.

Someone wanted to find out information about me and use it to take me down, and manipulate me. Forge me into a docile little girl they would have by the tits. I bet they didn’t account for the fact I had a slight pain kink. “Any ideas who it is?”

“Nope. But I do know that there are three men who have pledged themselves to you that have absolutely no intention of letting a woman control them. They just want to keep you quiet.” Anger flared to life in Ronnie’s dark gray eyes and a shiver trembled down my spine at the intensity. “You have to hit them where it hurts, girl. Show them you can’t be messed with.”

I huffed at that. “Don’t I always?”

“You do. But this time, it needs to be something they’ll never see coming. Something, no sane person would ever think of. You have to put the fear of Alessia into them, kiddo. Take them out of the game with crippling fucking fear.”

I nodded and a sadistic smile spread across my face. “Think it’s time to hold a dinner date, don’t you?”

The End For Now

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