Page 100 of Don't Back Down

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By the time he got the wood unloaded and went inside, Rusty was in the floor. Lili was standing between Rusty’s legs and playing with her hair. Ghost was lying beside her, and Rachel was chattering away as she watched them play.

Rachel looked up as Cameron walked in, gave him a thumbs-up, and got up to hug him. “Thank you for the wood, Brother, and for the sister. I already love her,” she whispered in his ear.

“You are most welcome,” Cameron said.

The moment Lili heard her uncle’s voice, her focus shifted. “Cookies now?”

Cameron held up the sack he’d brought with him. “Cookies now. And what do we do when we get a treat?” he asked.

“We share!” Lili cried.

Cameron pulled Rusty to her feet. “You’re not gonna want to be in the floor when the crumbs fly.”

Rusty laughed and sat down on the sofa beside him. She guessed the ritual being played out before her had happened countless times before, and she couldn’t wait to see.

The first thing that came out of the sack was a dog treat.

“This is Ghost’s treat. Remember? No cookies for Ghost.”

“For Ghoss,” Lili said, then held the treat out to Ghost, and as always, he took it from her baby fingers with the greatest of care, and chomped once and it was gone.

“And this cookie is for Mama,” Cameron said.

“For Mama,” Lili echoed, and dashed across the floor to give her mama a cookie, then came running back to Cameron.

“One for Rusty,” Cameron said.

Lili giggled. “For Russy.”

“Yum! Thank you,” Rusty said.

Then Cameron pulled out another cookie, but Lili was already crawling up into his lap.

“This one we eat together,” Cameron said, and gave it to her as soon as she settled.

Lili lifted the cookie to Cameron’s lips.

“Little bite, Unca Cam.”

Rusty was enchanted. “That request suggests you need to be reminded.”

“I am insulted,” he said, and then took a bite, and like Ghost, chewed and swallowed so fast he barely tasted it.

After that, Lili leaned back in his arms and proceeded to eat and crumble all over Cameron’s lap and onto the floor.

“Why it has to be in Cam’s lap, we’ll never know, but I have a Dustbuster for this very reason,” Rachel said.

“I think maybe Lili sees Cameron’s invisible hero’s cape. And you have to admit, nobody’s going to try and take anything away from her with a hero that big and pretty.”

Cameron frowned. “I wouldn’t call myself pretty.”

Rusty shrugged. “You didn’t. I did it for you.”

Rachel burst out laughing. “Oh my God. You’re so done for, Brother, aren’t you?”

Cameron sighed. “I am willingly held sway by anything she wants.”

“I just want you…and world peace,” Rusty said.
