Page 108 of Don't Back Down

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Cameron nodded. “But again…the unknown man.”

“Yes. That unknown man,” Rusty muttered.

After a few minutes more, Ghost was called back to the house. They bedded the dog by the fire, added a log to keep it going, and took themselves to bed.

This mess was a puzzle best left for another day.


Lindy Sheets was back in Detroit. She recognized the city as they sped through on their way to the airport. She was loaded onto a jet in the middle of the night, accompanied by four agents, two of which were females, and handcuffed to her seat. She tried asking questions, but no one was talking to her other than to bring her food or take her to use the restroom. Finally, she gave up to the inevitable, leaned back in her seat, and closed her eyes.

When she woke again, they were landing.

“Where are we?” she asked.

“Frankfort, Kentucky,” one of the agents said.

“I want a lawyer,” Lindy said.

“One will be waiting for you at headquarters.”

“I need to pee,” Lindy said.

“We’ll take you before you leave the plane.”

She frowned. “Do I get breakfast somewhere? I haven’t eaten since noon yesterday.”

“You’ll get what is coming to you,” the agent said.

Lindy frowned. That cryptic comment could mean anything, but she quit asking questions because she wasn’t liking the answers.


Special Agents Howard and Pickard were waiting when a van arrived with the agents and the prisoner. They escorted her into the building in leg irons and handcuffs and walked her back to an interrogation room.

Lindy was immediately alarmed. They hadn’t bothered to jail her…or book her. Or give her time to talk to her lawyer. She felt like she was being railroaded, but since she knew she was guilty as hell, she decided to stay quiet until she saw how this was playing out.

In the interrogation room, she was cuffed to the table, and then all of the agents walked out, leaving a guard standing just inside the door, staring at her. Her heart was pounding. Her belly growled.

And then the door opened and a stranger walked in. “Melinda Sheets? My name is Darrell Holder. I’m your court-appointed lawyer.”

A guard walked in behind Holder carrying two cups of coffee and a small bag of doughnuts and set it all down on the table between them.

“Compliments of Uncle Sam,” Holder said. He pushed one cup of coffee within her reach, laid a napkin in front of her, and opened the sack. “Help yourself. We can talk while you eat.”

Lindy took several sips of the coffee before reaching for a doughnut. They were simple glazed doughnuts, but they were like manna in her mouth. As soon as her initial hunger was assuaged, she began to speak.

“What are they charging me with?” she asked.

“For starters, human trafficking. Attempted kidnapping. Abetting the escape of a state prisoner, and—”

She interrupted. “I had nothing to do with that prison riot or the escapees. I heard about an attempt being planned, but I had no idea they’d make good on it. I was contacted after it happened.”

“You promised Biggers a job if he got out. We know that because he told us, and you knowingly withheld information about a planned riot.”

She frowned. “Biggers talked about his business? So what? He knows nothing about me. Whatever he said is a lie, and you can tell him I said so.”

“Biggers is dead,” Holder said. “He died in his cell. Because whoever is left out there is still calling the shots.”
