Page 113 of Don't Back Down

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The dog turned and followed Cameron out of the office, and then hopped back up into the Jeep. Cameron grabbed a bottle of water, poured some in a bowl he kept in the Jeep, and watched the dog drinking.

“Wash that blood out of your mouth real good, boy. That was a bad man you took down.”

Ghost was still drinking when Cameron locked the Jeep. He was halfway back to the office before he realized he was still carrying his rifle, and then shrugged and kept it with him anyway.

The ambulance was pulling into the driveway. It was the same team who’d come after Lili. Billy, Fagan, and B. J. Kelly. When Billy and Fagan jumped out with their bags and went inside, Kelly followed.

Rusty looked up as the medics entered, and saw the older man behind them looking in horror at Barton, who still lay in a growing puddle of blood.

“Is he dead?” Kelly asked, and then he saw the gun in Rusty’s holster and started toward her.

Three steps forward and he was in her face. “You killed him!” he shouted, then doubled up his fist and hit her on the jaw, knocking her unconscious. He grabbed her weapon and began waving it at everyone in the room. “Back off! All of you, just back off or I’ll kill her!” he shouted.

“Kelly! What the hell?” Warren shouted and pulled his weapon, and when he did, every officer with him did the same.

Now there were six guns all aimed at B. J. Kelly, and it didn’t seem to faze him.

Cameron came in the door, saw the guns trained on Kelly, Rusty unconscious on the floor, and B. J. Kelly with a gun aimed at her back.

“You don’t want to do this!” the chief shouted. “Put the gun down and we can talk.”

“She killed Jack. She didn’t have to kill him,” B. J. kept saying.

Every fiber of Cameron’s being went right back to war. The rifle was in his hands. He swung it up, aimed straight at Kelly’s shoulder, and fired.

Kelly flew backward, hitting a chair and then a file cabinet. The gun was on the floor, and Cameron kicked it out of the way as he scooped Rusty up in his arms.

“Now you can talk to him,” Cameron said, and carried Rusty out of the building.

“Williams. Get the gun,” the chief ordered, and then ran over to where Kelly was lying.

“I’m bleeding. Help me,” Kelly moaned.

The chief frowned. “You didn’t have to do this. Agent Caldwell didn’t even fire her weapon. Barton isn’t dead. He just passed out because Pope’s dog bit him in the face.” Then he looked up at one of his officers. “Call for another ambulance.”


Rusty came to as Cameron was carrying her out of the office. She saw a muscle jerking at the side of his jaw.

“What happened?” she asked, and then felt pain in her jaw. “Who hit me?”

“The ambulance driver, but I have no idea why,” Cameron said, then put her down long enough to open the door to his Jeep and sat her down inside.

Ghost poked his head between the seats and began licking her cheek where she’d been hit.

“Thank you, buddy, but I’m okay,” Rusty said, and stroked his head once to reassure him. As she did, she realized her gun wasn’t in her holster.

“My service weapon. It must have fallen out.”

“No. Kelly took it off you after he knocked you out. He thought you killed Barton. He was waving it all over the place, threatening to kill you.”

Rusty’s eyes widened. “Why would he care what happened to Barton?”

“Don’t know,” Cameron said.

Rusty frowned. “What happened to Kelly?”

“I shot him. He’ll live.”
