Page 119 of Don't Back Down

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“Liz is at work, and I have a meeting in fifteen minutes. I’ll be back to have lunch with you later. We can talk then. Love you, darling. Don’t work too hard unpacking.”

Patricia was aghast. “What do you mean, Liz is at work?”

“Oh, she came and asked me for a job while you were gone. She’s interning for my event coordinator and loving every minute of it. And Gerald says she’s doing a bang-up job. Gotta go.” He paused and looked at her again, only closer, then gave her a long, lingering welcome-home kiss. “You’ve lost weight. I love that shade of blond in your hair, and you look sexy as hell. Hold that thought.”

Patricia’s cheeks were burning but there was a twinkle in her eye.

“Well then,” she said, and turned around to face the empty penthouse, then decided it felt so good to be home it didn’t matter if she was alone.


Cameron had one other call to make, and that was to Leslie Morgan.

He knew she’d already be at work, but she would be hearing all the gossip and he wanted her to know that she was safe.

He pulled up the number to the vet clinic and called the office.

“Carson Veterinary Clinic. This is Amber.”

“Amber, this is Cameron Pope. Is Leslie at work?”

“Yes, she is.”

“I need to give her a brief message, but if she’s busy she can call me back.”

“It’s kind of slow this morning, Cameron. She’s just down the hall. Hang on a sec.”

Moments later, Leslie picked up the call.

“This is Leslie.”

“Hey, Leslie. This is Cameron. I just wanted you to know you’re in the clear. You can go back to your place anytime you want. All the bad guys are in custody in other parts of the state.”

“Oh, thank God,” Leslie said. “That’s the best news I’ve had in a while. Thank you so much for keeping my name out of all that and for letting me know.”

“You’re welcome, and my best to your family.”

“Hey, Cam, one other thing.”

“Yeah, what’s that?”

“Is it true about you and the pretty redhead?”

“I don’t know what you heard, but she’s in my life and not going anywhere, if that’s what you want to know.”

Leslie smiled. “Yes. That’s what I heard. Congratulations.”

“Thanks. Take care,” Cameron said.

“You too,” Leslie said. She shivered as she laid down the phone, so grateful that the nightmare was over, and in that moment she heard Granny Cauley’s words.And this, too, shall pass.


Rusty wrote her final report on the case, including the important part Cameron Pope had played in helping solve it, and sent it to Agent Howard. Then she wrote her letter of resignation, signed it personally, and faxed it to her superior in DC. The feeling afterward was of relief. There was no one left to whom she owed allegiance but the man who held her heart.

She sent a text to Liz to tell her she was okay, that she was recovering from a slight injury that made talking a little uncomfortable, and she’d be in touch.

A few minutes later, she got a text back from Liz.
