Page 16 of Don't Back Down

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“Absolutely,” Sam said, and went back to unwinding the bandage from Ghost’s paw. “Can you get him over on his side, please?”

Moments later, Cameron had Ghost stretched out on the table.

“That will do,” Sam said as he stroked Ghost’s massive head and moved closer. “I still can’t get over his size. He’s one of the biggest German shepherds I’ve ever seen. Now. Let’s take a look at what’s happened here.”

Sam worked slowly, anxious not to cause undue pain, although when the big dog kept whining, he knew he was hurting him. A thorough cleaning of the wound revealed a deep, jagged cut and a continuous seeping of blood.

“This doesn’t look good,” Sam said. “I don’t think it’s going to heal properly without stitches, and that’s going to mean putting him under.”

“Whatever it takes,” Cameron said.

They heard the front door open, then slam shut, and footsteps running through the lobby.

“That will be Leslie,” Sam said, and he was right.

The young vet tech appeared in gray sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt, with her long blond hair in a messy ponytail on top of her head. She looked like she’d just crawled out of bed. Her eyes widened when she saw Cameron’s scratched face and Ghost stretched out on the exam table.

“Hey, Les,” Cameron said.

“Hey, Cam. Lord, what a night you’ve all had.”

“You mean it’s already common knowledge?” Sam asked.

Leslie smiled. “I may live in the valley, but my family is still on the mountain. Dad was one of the searchers.” And then her gaze shifted. “Dr. Sam, what do you need me to do?”

“Scrub up, then get a tray ready. We’re going to have to put Ghost to sleep to stitch up the cut on his foot. I’ll need you to monitor his oxygen levels and heart rate after he’s out.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, and raced into the adjoining room.

Cameron stayed beside Ghost until they got him to sleep and then moved out of the way, letting them do their job.

He glanced out the window. The sun was up. Then he looked at the clock as Sam began trimming hair away from between the toe pads on Ghost’s paw. It was just after seven, and yesterday felt like an eternity away.


Sam Carson finished the surgery on Ghost and gave him a shot to reverse the anesthetic and another shot for pain, then handed Cameron a small bottle of antibiotics as Ghost was coming around.

“Keep him off his feet as much as possible, and bring him back in three days to get the bandages replaced,” Sam said.

“Thanks to the both of you,” Cameron said. “Sorry to get you up so early.”

“That’s what we do,” Sam said. “Take care of yourself while you’re at it. Some of those scratches on your face could qualify as cuts.”

“They’ll heal,” Cameron said, then scooped Ghost up in his arms. The dog was still groggy as he carried him out.

Leslie ran ahead of them opening doors and then helping get Ghost settled in the front seat of Cameron’s Jeep.

“You tell Rachel and Louis we’re all praying for Lili.”

“I will. Thanks for helping out,” Cameron said, and drove away.

Leslie sighed as she watched him leave.

Cameron Pope was gorgeous, and single, and just the teeniest bit intimidating. Everyone knew he’d spent two tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, yet he never talked about it. Still, Ghost was a daily reminder because when Cameron Pope finally came home from the wars, Ghost was with him.

Her daddy said Pope had been Special Forces.

Her uncle said Ghost had been a bomb-sniffing dog and had saved Cameron’s life.
