Page 18 of Don't Back Down

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It was just after daylight when they learned Biggers had already been caught by some local searchers, and both he and the child were being treated in a small hospital in Jubilee. Within minutes, Howard was on the phone.


Jubilee Police Chief Sonny Warren hadn’t gone home last night. Even though County had been in charge of the assault and abduction, Sonny had been born and raised on Pope Mountain. He’d been shocked by what happened and worried sick until he found out Lili Glass had been rescued and Danny Biggers captured.

Relieved, he thought that would be the end of it. He was about to leave the office long enough to go home to shower and change clothes before beginning his day when his phone rang.

“Jubilee Police. Chief Warren speaking.”

“Good morning, Chief. This is Special Agent Jay Howard of the FBI. I’m out of the state headquarters located in Frankfort. I understand there is an escaped prisoner named Danny Biggers being treated in your hospital. Is that correct?”

Sonny blinked. “Uh, yes, sir.”

“We need to talk to him regarding an ongoing case. I need a hold and multiple guards put on him until we arrive. We’re coming in by chopper from Frankfort, and we’ll need a car at our disposal for a few hours. I take it you have a heliport somewhere?”

“A few,” Sonny said. “One behind the police station. One at the hospital, and a couple at the area hotels. I’ll make sure there’s a car waiting for you.”

“Do you have Biggers’s personal effects and the vehicle he was driving?” Howard asked.

“They would be with Sheriff Woodley, who headed the pursuit.”

“Then I’ll be needing the sheriff’s contact information,” Howard said.

“Yes, sir. Shall I text it to the number you’re calling from?”

“Please,” Howard said. “See you soon.”

The line went dead. The chief pulled up the number for County and sent it to Howard’s phone. He already had a guard on Biggers’s room, but now it seemed one was not enough, so he made a quick call to one of his officers and sent him straight to the hospital to double the guard.

Back in Frankfort, Howard was organizing a helicopter to get them to Jubilee, while Special Agent Pickard was on the phone with Sheriff Woodley.


Woodley was in his office still writing up reports when his phone rang. He paused, and then turned away from the computer to answer.

“This is Woodley.”

“Sheriff Woodley. This is Special Agent Dan Pickard, Frankfort FBI. We understand you headed the search for Danny Biggers and the recovery of a child he’d kidnapped. Is that correct?”

Woodley sat up straighter. “Yes. That’s correct.”

“I’ve also been told that you have Biggers’s personal effects.”

“Yes, but there wasn’t much on him. We confiscated the stolen car he’d been driving and the stolen phone he’d been using.”

“We’ll be sending a forensic team to go over the car, and we’ll be needing everything you confiscated, including that phone. My partner and I are on our way to Jubilee to talk to Biggers. If you could get all that to Chief Warren as soon as possible, we would appreciate it. We’re operating on a really tight schedule here, and time is of the essence.”

“Yes, sir. I’ll bring it myself,” Woodley said, and then his skin crawled when the line went dead in his ear.

He hit Save on the report he’d been typing, then went to the evidence room, checked out the evidence folder with Biggers’s money and phone, told the dispatcher where he was going, and headed back to the police station in Jubilee.


Danny Biggers was in misery. They took him to surgery to stitch up his wounds. Not because they were serious enough for surgery. It was just to keep the Glass family from finding him and finishing him off. After they stitched up his arms and legs, and shot him full of antibiotics and painkillers, they moved him to a different floor of the hospital.

Danny knew he had a guard at the door, and that the federal marshals would show up to take his ass back to prison, but he doubted he would be there long. He’d just added about a lifetime of years to his sentence with another violent assault, and now kidnapping, which was a federal offense.

He thought of Lindy waiting for him to show up at Fuzzy Fridays and the years of confinement he had ahead of him now. Lindy wasn’t the faithful kind, but then neither was he. He’d given up worrying about what he couldn’t control, so he turned his face to the wall and closed his eyes.
