Page 26 of Don't Back Down

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“Oh, you know! A little of this and that. How are Uncle Ray and Liz?”

“They’re at a banquet in Frankfort. Business, you know. They’ll be sad to know they’ve missed your call.”

“Actually, the main reason I’m calling is I’m on leave right now because of a wreck I had a few days ago.”

“Oh my God! Are you okay?” Patricia cried.

“Luckily, yes. I’m just sore all over. Lots of trips to the hot tub, taking it easy at home. Stuff like that. But since this time off was doctor-recommended, I decided to use some vacation time, too. I was thinking about heading up your way. It’s been so long since we’ve actually seen each other, and you allaremy only living relatives. I was wondering if—”

“Yes! Yes! You must come recuperate with us! It will be wonderful to see you again. We live full-time in the penthouse. It’s quite spacious and we have empty guest rooms just begging for company. I’m afraid there’s no airport here. The closest one is in Bowling Green, but we could pick you up.”

“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary. I know there are heliports in Jubilee. I have access to helicopters whenever the need arises,” Rusty said.

Patricia shuddered. “Better you than me. I’ll get on an airplane and fly halfway across the world without blinking an eye, but I can’t even look at a helicopter without losing my mind.”

Rusty grinned. She’d forgotten how dramatic her aunt was, and then she realized Pat was still talking.

“At least let us know when you plan to arrive. We can pick you up,” she said.

“Oh, I don’t expect anyone to take care of me. I’ll have a rental waiting and drive myself to the inn. That way I can explore the town and the mountains at my leisure,” Rusty said.

“Whatever you wish, my dear. I just can’t wait to see you again,” Patricia said.

“I’m looking forward to the visit, and thank you for allowing me to invite myself. Have a good night, and I’ll be in touch with a day and time.”

“Of course. Safe travels and all that,” Pat said, and disconnected.

Rusty laid her phone aside and leaned back. She felt a little guilty about the deception of her reason for visiting, but she was looking forward to seeing them and curious to see if her cousin, Liz, had finally matured past her need to dominate center stage.

A couple of hours later, she got a phone call from Special Agent Jay Howard. After a lengthy conversation, he sent her files on the human-trafficking gang, what they needed from her, and contact information to keep them informed at every step. And in return, she got the chopper ride to Jubilee, saving her countless hours of flying and driving time.


Patricia broke the news to her family the next morning at breakfast. “Rusty called last night. She’s off work for a bit as she recuperates from a wreck, and said she was thinking of coming up this way to visit. Of course, I immediately invited her to stay with us while she’s in the area.”

Ray grinned. “That’s great news! We haven’t seen her in ages, but is she okay to travel?”

“Apparently,” she said. “At any rate, Liz and I will have all kinds of time to baby her.”

Liz frowned. “I don’t babysit.”

Ray gave his daughter a look. “I think you will find time to at least welcome her to our home and restrict your selfishness for the time she’s here.”

Liz gasped. “Daddy! I’m not selfish. I’m just not cut out for bedpans and bandages.”

“Oh, for the love of God, Elizabeth! She’s arriving via helicopter…on her own…hiring her own rental car, and simply spending time with us. Nothing is being asked of you other than to be kind and welcoming,” Patricia snapped.

Liz flushed. Her parents rarely disapproved of anything she did, and she’d obviously stepped on touchy nerves this morning, so she turned on the tears. “I am sorry I offended you,” she said.

“You should be,” Patricia said, and poured a little more syrup on her waffle to finish it off.

At that moment, Liz’s phone signaled a text. She glanced at caller ID, then stood. “Excuse me. It’s Michael,” she said, and left the room with her nose in the air.

Ray frowned. “Sleeping with the enemy,” he muttered.

Patricia rolled her eyes. “Michael Devon is not the enemy. His father owns a business we compete with, that is all. And who else would Liz associate with here? Jubilee, Kentucky, is hardly rife with people of her class.”

Ray frowned. “Money does not establish class. Behavior does,” he said. “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going down to the office. You know where to find me if the need arises.”
