Page 30 of Don't Back Down

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“Yes. I’ll do it myself. It was our miss. Give me a few.”

“Thanks,” Rusty said, and disconnected.

Howard immediately turned back to his computer and ran a background check on Cameron Pope. It didn’t take long for the info to come up, but when he saw the man was an army vet, he dug deeper and pulled up the history on his military service. “I’ll be a son of a bitch,” Howard muttered, and rocked back in his chair.

The man was a war hero. Two tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. Special Forces. Some serious commendations that could not be acknowledged due to national security, and the man had a security clearance equal to his own.

Howard printed out the info and hand-carried it down the hall to his boss. If Pope was willing, this could change the whole aspect of Caldwell’s presence.

Chapter 6

Unaware he was on the FBI’s radar, Cameron got Ghost inside, settled him in his bed next to the fireplace, then changed into work clothes. When he headed out the back door, Ghost followed.

Cameron didn’t want him messing up the clean bandage and settled Ghost on the porch with orders to stay, then began carrying wood to the back porch and stacking it by the door.

He made three trips before he was satisfied he had enough and was on his way inside with Ghost when his cell phone rang. He tossed his work gloves on top of the washing machine, then answered.


“Hello. This is Special Agent Jay Howard calling for Cameron Pope.”

FBI? Cameron frowned. “Speaking.”

“Mr. Pope, we’re looking into the kidnapping of your niece, Lili Glass, and we’re well aware of the part you played in rescuing her from the kidnapper, Danny Biggers. We’re also aware of the history between your family and Biggers.”

“Sir, if you don’t mind, just cut to the chase. Biggers is back in custody, so what is it you want from me?”

Howard was taken aback by Pope’s immediate grasp of the call. “Uh… Okay. Cutting to the chase now. Would you be willing to aid one of our agents in gathering information about an ongoing human-trafficking gang operating in your area?”

Cameron was floored. “Are you telling me there’s a serious threat of an organized gang in the area?”

“We believe so strongly enough to send in one of our best undercover agents to investigate. Your military record and the security clearance you hold qualifies you to operate on behalf of your nation’s best interests, and your knowledge of the area would be vital to our agent. The agent will be arriving in Jubilee tomorrow via private chopper as a regular tourist and staying at the Serenity Inn. The owner is a relative.”

Cameron took a deep breath.

“I don’t run in Ray Caldwell’s circle. I wouldn’t even qualify as a friend. But if that doesn’t confuse the issue, then yes, I will do everything asked of me.”

“Excellent!” Howard said. “Special Agent Caldwell is the person you’ll be working with and will be the one to contact you. I understand you live up the mountain from Jubilee.”

“Yes, sir. My home is about two miles up.”

“Maybe your first meeting to square things away with Caldwell could be on your grounds? Caldwell will get directions from you and drive up to meet you at a date and time agreed upon between the two of you.”

“Yes, sir. Understood,” Cameron said.

“Thank you,” Howard said. “You have served your country proudly in the past, and we are well aware this is out of order to ask it of you again.”

“Not at all, sir,” Cameron said. “My people have lived on this mountain since the early 1800s. The fact that Jubilee has turned into a tourist attraction is probably responsible for attracting the people you’re looking for. I’ll do anything to help clean them out.”

“Then I’ll inform our agent, and thank you again.”

“Don’t thank me until they’re in your custody,” Cameron said.

The call ended, leaving Cameron in a state of disbelief. So Danny Biggers’s presence in Jubilee was not by chance after all. He’d come on someone else’s orders.


Rusty was already packed.
