Page 40 of Don't Back Down

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“You’re welcome, Uncle Ray. See you later,” she said, and left the dining room.

As soon as she got to her suite, she uploaded the video to her laptop and then sent it in an email to Agent Howard. After that, she kicked off her shoes, crawled up into bed with the laptop, and began to work.

It wasn’t long before she got an answer from Howard.

Good work, Caldwell. I want you and Pope on Vanzant. If he’s part of the trafficking pipeline, we need firm proof. Stay in touch.

Rusty went through her other email, then began making notes about Vanzant, Barton, and the Devon families, just to see if there were any connections between them and the girls who’d gone missing from Barton’s campground.


Cameron was tying up loose ends today. He’d already stopped by Rachel’s to let her know an old friend was in town, and Rachel was immediately curious.

“I didn’t know you hadold friends, she drawled.

Cameron gave her a look. “Don’t make a big deal out of anything. I am not a monk. I’m just picky, and she’s the one who got away. We’re exploring our options.”

Rachel laughed. “Explore away, Big Brother. I would love to see you happily married.”

“Right now, I’m just looking for ‘happily.’ ‘Married’ isn’t part of our discussions.”

“Whatever,” Rachel said. “Am I going to get to meet her?”


“What’s her name?” Rachel asked.


Rachel rolled her eyes. “Rusty what? Rusty Nails? Rusty Pipes?”

Cameron laughed. “You’re quite the comedian today. It’s Caldwell. She’s Ray Caldwell’s niece.”

Rachel’s eyes widened in surprise. “Jesus, Cam! Isn’t she a little out of your league?”

“She’s nothing like them,” Cameron said. “And that’s all I’m going to say about her. You’ll have to judge her for yourself when you two meet.”

“Okay, fine. Is Rusty her real name?”

Cameron blinked. “I have no idea.”

Rachel grinned. “Then her other attributes must have taken precedence over tiny details like names and stuff.”

“Ghost and I are leaving now,” Cameron said. “Give Lili a kiss from me when she wakes up,” he said and got up, which was Ghost’s signal to lead the way to the door.

Rachel followed. “Don’t leave mad.”

Cameron just shook his head. “You have seen me mad. You know damn good and well this isn’t it. I have stuff to do. Guy stuff.”

“You’re going home and falling asleep by the fire, aren’t you?” she said.

He grinned. “Most likely. Love you, Sis. Take care. Tell Louis I said hello.”

She hugged him. “I will. Drive safe.”

Then she stood at the door and watched him drive away before closing the door, all the while wondering what kind of a woman Rusty Caldwell must be to have captured Cameron’s interest.

