Page 50 of Don't Back Down

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She was alone when she slipped into the water and started swimming laps. A short while later, an older man arrived and began swimming laps a couple of lanes over. After a quick glance to reassure herself he was harmless, she never looked at him again. Thirty laps later, she climbed out of the pool, exhausted but easier in her mind about the upcoming day, and headed back to the penthouse. It was just before eight. The elevator stopped, the doors opened, and the first thing she saw was her uncle Ray, waiting for the car to arrive.

“Good morning, Rusty! What an early riser you are! I see you’ve been in the pool.”

She nodded. “Back home I usually go out for a run, but I’m not quite ready for that.”

“I commend you for your dedication and diligence,” he said. “Your aunt and cousin aren’t even up yet.”

Rusty laughed. “They don’t have to be. I’m big enough to take care of myself.”

Ray’s eyes twinkled. “Yes, I see that,” he said, and kissed her on the cheek. “Have a great day, honey. I’ll see you later.”

He went down to his office as Rusty returned to her room.

The adrenaline rush was fading as she showered and dressed for the day. The weather was sunny but cool, so she opted for a black sweater and black denim jeans. Her ankle was still too sore for the cowboy boots she loved to wear, so it was slip-on shoes for her today. She was air-drying her hair, and it was turning into a mass of soft curls against her shoulders. It was a wild, untamed look, but it mirrored how she felt.

After applying just enough makeup to take the shine off her face, she went in search of coffee and toast. She found that and the rest of her family seated at the breakfast table, still in their nightgowns and robes.

“Good morning!” Rusty said as she bounced into the room.

Both women looked up.

“Oh God! An early riser,” Liz groaned.

“You put me to shame,” Patricia said.

Rusty grinned. “Would it make you feel any better if I told you I’ve already done thirty laps in the pool?”

“Why? Just tell me why? You’re supposed to be on vacation.”

Rusty shrugged. “I run every morning. Or I did before I hurt my knee and ankle. It’s addictive.”

Liz rolled her eyes. “If I’m going to be addicted to something, I choose sex.”

Rusty burst out laughing.

Patricia gasped. “Elizabeth Ann! Really? What a thing to say,” and then laughed in spite of herself.

A short while later, her aunt and cousin abandoned Rusty with her toast and coffee and went to get ready for their lunch date. Rusty took her coffee back to her room to check messages and email.

She’d been on the job from the moment she’d set foot in Jubilee, and her uncle’s missing hostess may have just been added to the mix. Last night she’d run a quick search on Emily Payne’s credit card history, and she needed to sit down and look at the data. She also made a mental note to have Cameron scout out Kevin Vanzant’s campsite after their “reunion moment” at lunch. Her thoughts were spinning as to what to do first, and they kept coming back to making love to Cameron Pope.

Chapter 9

It was go time.

Cameron was on his way into town, heading straight into his future, with Ghost riding shotgun. He’d already called in a pickup order at the Back Porch as his excuse to make an appearance. He was hungry, but not for food. For Rusty. He’d dreamed of making love to her for so long, and now that she was within reach again, he wanted her back in his bed. But want and need were two different things, and right now she was part of the walking wounded and beginning a new and dangerous case. He’d agreed to help before he knew who he’d be working with. Now all he could think of was keeping her safe from herself. Like every other young woman in Jubilee, her presence made her a target.


Rusty started smiling the moment they entered the Back Porch. The decor was just as Liz had depicted. The background music was bluegrass, and the waiters were wearing overalls and the waitresses were in calico. She glanced at Aunt Pat, saw the instant distaste for where they were, and hugged her.

“It’s perfect, Aunt Pat! Thank you for coming.”

Patricia grinned. “If I didn’t love you dearly…”

“Come on, Mom. The hostess is ready to seat us,” Liz said, leading the way to their table.

“Gawd. In the middle of the room?” Patricia muttered and sat down, wishing herself small and invisible as Rusty took off her coat and sat beside her.
