Page 66 of Don't Back Down

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Ghost shot out the door and bounded down the steps just as a deer disappeared into the trees.

Cameron looked back at Rusty and smiled. “A deer. An invader to him, and now it’s gone. I think we’re safe,” he said, and shut the door behind him.

Rusty went to the window. Cameron was standing in the middle of the yard watching Ghost, who had his nose to the ground and was moving in circles. She shook her head, marveling at the bond between them, and went to get dressed.

As Rusty changed into jeans and a sweater, the urge to take everything off and go back to bed with Cameron was overwhelming. Staying on task here was going to take some self-control, but the luxury of seeing him day in and day out was going to be worth it.

She was tying the last tie on her sneakers when she got a text from her uncle Ray.

My missing hostess showed up today, typically apologetic and claiming a family emergency. I’m about to have a come-to-Jesus meeting with her.

Rusty’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully, and then she sent a follow-up text.

If you would send me a list of all the dates she’s disappeared and the dates she came back for the last six months, I would appreciate it. Just email it to me. Oh…and don’t fire her. I need to know where to find her if the need arises.

Ray responded:Will do!

Rusty was satisfied to know Emily Payne was back, so she hadn’t been a victim. But she still needed to be cleared as a possible person of interest. She tossed her phone on the bed and went to find a hair tie and get her hair away from her face. She was getting ready to take her laptop to the kitchen and update Cameron as they ate when her cell phone rang.

It was Special Agent Jay Howard.

“Good morning, sir,” Rusty said.

“Morning. Good to know you’ve settled in. I want to touch base with you about a couple of things before you begin your day. We’ve discussed your continuing presence in Jubilee but think it would be advantageous for everyone, including the police chief and the sheriff, to think that you’re gone.”

“Yes, sir, but is there a reason?”

“I’ve just sent you a big file on the local sheriff, Rance Allen Woodley. He’s from Chicago, and I’m curious as to how he wound up this far south. I want you to apply yourself to every aspect of him. You’ll also receive updated information on the Jubilee police chief, Sonny Warren, and you have the list of missing women. See if anything clicks.”

“Yes, sir. Oh…the missing hostess from the Serenity Inn showed up this morning, but I’ve asked my uncle for a list of all the dates she went AWOL during the past six months, just to see if there’s any connection on the timeline,” Rusty said.

“Good idea,” Howard said. “Let me know what you need and keep me informed.”

“Yes, sir. I will,” Rusty said, and disconnected.

She pocketed her phone and grabbed her laptop as she left the room.

As soon as Cameron came back, she began sharing everything she knew while he made them scrambled eggs and toast, reading aloud some of the new info Howard had just sent.

Cameron was surprised. “So they’re investigating the local sheriff and police chief?”

“So it appears,” she said. “At least eliminating them as suspects.”

“Right,” he said.

He carried two plates of food to the table, then refilled their coffee cups before he sat down.

Rusty took a bite of the eggs and toast and then gave him a thumbs-up.

“I love spicy eggs. These are delicious and you can’t make them too hot for me.”

“Good to know,” Cameron said, and scooped up a bite for himself.

“Oh! One more thing,” Rusty added. “They want the public to think I’ve left the area, so I’m guessing I’m housebound here for the time being. Please don’t let that interfere with whatever you need to do on a daily basis. I’m not in danger. And if people think I’m gone, then no one comes looking.”

Cameron nodded. “Yes, that makes sense. Ghost and I will make a grocery run into Jubilee later today. If you need stuff, write it on the pad on the counter. I’ll pick it up for you.”

“Okay,” she said, then spread jelly on her toast and finished eating. “You cooked. I’ll clean up.”
