Page 72 of Don't Back Down

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The look on Leslie’s face was comical. It was all Cameron could do not to laugh.

As soon as the woman exited the lobby, Leslie turned and waved. “Hi, guys. We’ll be with you shortly.” Then she grabbed the next chart from the desk and looked up. “Charlie Pug is next.”

A teenage boy stood up with an old, wheezing pug cradled in his arms and followed her back into an exam room.

Ghost looked up at Cameron.

“You’re fine, buddy. Just relax.”

Ghost lay down at Cameron’s feet and gave his bandaged paw a lick.

“No licking,” Cameron said, and laid a hand on the top of Ghost’s head.

About fifteen minutes later, the teenage boy and Charlie Pug exited the lobby, and Leslie pointed at Ghost. “The Terminator is up.”

Cameron laughed. The nickname fit. Ghost stood up as if he understood the summons and walked beside Cameron all the way into the exam room. Now that they were alone, Leslie’s demeanor shifted, and Cameron could tell how bothered she still was about her involvement with Kevin Vanzant.

“You okay?” Cameron asked.

She shrugged. “As good as someone can be in my situation,” she said. “You’re here about removing stitches, right?”

“If the doctor thinks the foot is well, definitely,” he said.

She nodded. “Then we’ll need Ghost up on the exam table.”

Cameron lifted him up just as the vet entered the room, and removed the leash.

Alan Morris stopped in the doorway, staring in disbelief at the size of the dog standing on his exam table.

“Doctor Morris, this is Ghost, and his owner, Cameron Pope. Dr. Sam performed surgery on the bandaged paw several days ago. They’ve already been in once to have the wound site checked and bandages changed. Cameron is hoping to get stitches out today.”

“Well then, let’s see what we can see,” he said. “Cameron, can you get him to lie down for me?”

“Ghost. Down,” Cameron said.

Ghost went flat.

“The exam table isn’t really big enough for him, but I’ll hold onto him so he doesn’t roll off,” Cameron said as he gently scooted Ghost onto his side, then stood behind him, with one hand on his belly and the other on his head. “Stay.”

Ghost stayed.

“I’m impressed,” Morris said. “Do we need to muzzle him before I start?”

“No. You’re good,” Cameron said, and began lightly scratching the spot between Ghost’s ears.

Morris removed the bandages, then gently parted the pads on the dog’s toes.

Ghost whined.

“You’re okay, buddy. Lie still. You’ve been dying to lick this foot ever since you hurt it. Let’s get this over with.”

It was the calm, even tone in Cameron’s voice that steadied Ghost’s composure. He didn’t know the strange man, but he knew his master and that was enough.

A few minutes later Doctor Morris was pulling out the last stitch and then flushing the foot pad with antiseptic. “That should do it,” the vet said. “It was a pleasure to meet you and Ghost. He’s magnificent.”

“Thanks,” Cameron said as he lifted Ghost off the table and clipped the leash back to his collar.

Leslie walked them through the lobby and then opened the door for them.
