Page 78 of Don't Back Down

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The dining area was finally clearing out from the lunch rush, and Emily was among the workers helping gather up menus, changing tablecloths, and readying the dining area for the evening meal.

She was still a little rattled about the money being docked from her paycheck and trying to decide if she should just cut her losses and move on or stick it out. But most of the decision was not hers. She’d gotten herself in deep to a man she was afraid to cross, and the next time he called, she was going to have to tell him the ultimatum she’d been given. But she’d have to wait. He always called her from burner phones, and she didn’t even know his name. He was just Boss.

She had just returned a stack of menus to the front desk when a member of hotel security approached her. “Emily, Mr. Caldwell wants to see you,” he said, and slipped his hand beneath her elbow.

Emily’s heart sank.Oh crap! He’s going to fire me after all.

She walked beside the guard to the elevator, and when the doors opened and he got on with her, shock rolled through her.

He’s actually escorting me up!

As soon as they reached the third floor, they got off together and walked into the outer office.

“Take a seat, please,” the guard said.

Emily sat and then watched the guard walking to the door, but then he stopped and turned around, taking a stance as if he was blocking her escape. She had an overwhelming urge to run. What on earth could they possibly know?


Chief Warren received a heads-up about the inbound chopper a few minutes before it landed. The rain was down to a drizzle, but something must be important to fly in this weather. He didn’t know what was happening, but he guessed it still had to do with the campground murder. He didn’t know that Rusty Caldwell was no longer in residence at the hotel and half expected her to show up for the FBI agents’ arrival. But when she didn’t, and the chopper landed and unloaded the agents, he put on his hat and his rain slicker and went out to greet them.

“Welcome back to Jubilee,” he said, and shook their hands upon approach. “I assume it’s business? I thought Agent Caldwell might be on hand to greet you, but she’s not.”

“Oh, she’s no longer in Jubilee,” Howard said. “We are going to the Serenity Inn and pick up a woman for questioning. We’d like permission to use one of your interrogation rooms for the process.”

“Absolutely,” Sonny said. “Do you need a ride to the hotel to pick her up?”

“That would be helpful,” Howard said. “And an extra car to transport her back here.”

Sonny flagged down two of his men. “Paulson, I need you to drive Special Agents Howard and Pickard to the Serenity Inn. And Williams, we’ll need you to take your patrol car to bring in a suspect.”

“Yes, sir,” they echoed.

The agents got into Paulson’s patrol car and Williams followed. It didn’t take long to get to their destination, and as soon as the cars pulled up in the breezeway, Howard and Pickard got out.

“We won’t be long,” Howard said as they turned and walked inside.

Within seconds, a security guard who’d been awaiting their arrival saw them getting out of the cop car, called Ray to let him know they’d arrived, then flagged them down and took them straight up to Ray’s office.

Ray was aware Emily was in place, but he waited until the agents were on the premises to leave his office. And the moment he walked out and saw her, he knew she was scared. He just didn’t know what she’d done.

Emily stood. “Mr. Caldwell?”

Ray motioned for her to sit back down and then stood with his arms crossed, waiting. Moments later, his security chief walked in, followed by two men in dark suits. One bald and stocky. One with a scar on his face. They looked like they meant business.

Howard went straight to Ray. “Mr. Caldwell. I’m Special Agent Howard. This is my partner, Special Agent Pickard. Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Of course,” Ray said.

Then both agents turned and approached Emily where she sat.

“Are you Emily Ann Payne?”

She nodded.

They flashed their badges. “I’m Special Agent Howard. This is my partner, Special Agent Pickard. We are taking you down to the local police station for questioning regarding the murder of Kevin Vanzant and the disappearances of several women who’ve gone missing from Jubilee during the past six months.”

Emily gasped and then leaped to her feet. “Kevin’s dead? I didn’t know! I didn’t know!” she wailed.
