Page 45 of Blood & Bonds

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“What’s going through your head,baela?” he murmured, lips dangerously close to my ear.

I wanted to say something in return, to show him I was a grown woman and was fully capable of speaking coherently, but I couldn’t find it within me to finish my thoughts at all. Instead, I shook my head once, the only response I was ready to give him.

“If you are going to inherit the pack, you need to solidify your position as Alpha,” he said. “The pack looks for Apha’s who can secure their line so the pack will always be taken care of. It’s why mating is so important in our culture.”

We headed up a small slope, and I instantly recognized the brothel from before. There weren’t any other buildings around it, which meant we were headed straight for it.

But why?

What were we doing here?

Again, I wanted to ask him, but I didn’t want him to think I questioned his judgment. I did trust him, after all.

“I have rooms here,” he said. “When I don’t want to bring anyone back to the academy.”

I frowned. Why would he tell me that? I didn’t want to know that.

He led me inside the brothel itself and down the hall. I was grateful to have the same cloak as before, grateful no one knew who I was. We spilled into a main room and suddenly, I realized where I was. I knew it was a brothel, but I had never been in one before and therefore didn’t know what to expect. Now, though…

Naked bodies writhing in pleasure at every corner of the room filled my senses. The slight breathy moans, the grunting, the sweat-slicked slapping, the gasping. Naked bodies of all shapes and sizes, all colors and creeds, were connecting at random junctures. One man took another in his mouth, looking up at his partner from his knees, while another man had a curvy woman bent at her waist, moving in and out of her hard and fast. But judging from the way her mouth contorted with pleasure, she seemed to enjoy it rather than find it painful.

He took my hand and we crossed the room, down another hallway, where his rooms were. He pulled me inside and kicked the door shut. Only then did he pull down my hood, once we were alone.

“You need a Consort who will worship you.” Matthyw’s voice filled my ear, and my eyes closed as I leaned against him. I had no idea what I was doing, but it felt…good.

I wanted this, and the crazy thing was, I didn’t even know what it was I wanted.

“Who will treat you like an Alpha without being threatened by you or your sex.”

His hands stretched across my chest, running over my clothed breasts. My breathing hitched as his lips found a place just underneath my ear.

He was kissing me…touching me…like I was a woman. This was what I had always fantasized about. This was what I dreamed about. And now…now it was happening.

“Matthyw,” I murmured, turning so I could face him. So I could see him. I tilted my chin up and caught his lips with my own. Maybe it was the ambience of the brothel itself. Maybe it was being stripped of all choices until now. Maybe it was the privacy and the freedom his rooms offered that the academy in all its vastness could not. But I wanted to kiss Matthyw. And even though I had never been kissed before, even though I had no idea what I was doing, I wanted this.

I wantedhim.

My eyes snapped open. I jerked away from him, furious. Without thinking, I slapped him across the face.

Despite the moans and gasps, the sound ricochet off the walls.

He glared, a fire in his blue eyes before his hand grabbed my throat, his thumb pressed my chin up, and his mouth was on mine again, claiming me. Tongue slid through my lips, searing me, exploring me. He pressed against me, fingers running through my hair, as my desire for him burned even more.

I warred with him, struggling for dominance, struggling to match him, but he wouldn’t give me that satisfaction. He bit my bottom lip without mercy.

And then, I whimpered like a pathetic fool, like a child who wanted more sweets. Not because it hurt, but because I liked it.

Matthyw pulled away, blinking once, twice. He gave me another long look, like I had done something to him, something he had never expected. He took the necklace in his hand and dropped it to the floor, crushing it under his boot. “I can’t do this.”

And then he was gone, leaving me alone in his rooms in a brothel full of lovers, and I didn’t think he was coming back.


This had to be some kind of a joke.

Then again, Kazu-sensei wasn’t one for jokes. In fact, I wasn’t sure he had much of a sense of humor at all.

“W-what?” I asked, jerking back even though I was nowhere near him.
