Page 5 of Blood & Bonds

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Except…not Lucy.

There was little of her left.

Her desecrated body painted my floors red, her lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling, a silent scream dead on her chapped lips.


Imight have had a couple of drinks before I got to the tavern. I might have snuck it from the kitchens when no one was looking. And I might have had much more than I could tolerate.


I had finally made my decision. Tonight, I was going to lose my virginity, and then I could go on this mission, rescue Dade, and make him fall in love with me the way I always wanted him to.

How I even managed to get to the tavern, I had no idea. Maybe the chill in the air sobered me just enough to get me to move. Otherwise, there was a good chance I wouldn’t have been able to go through with it. I wasn’t this brave. Sure, I could look another, bigger wolf in the face and yearn to inflict bodily harm, but walking into a tavern full of strangers, offering myself to them on a silver platter was something I never thought I’d do.

I needed another drink.

I turned back to the bartender, lifting my arm so I could order another one, when a hand was placed on the small of my back. I jumped, snapping my head to the right. My instincts immediately kicked in, and I grabbed the hand’s wrist and proceeded to tug it up.

“Gods above!” a voice croaked out. “I thought you wanted —“

My eyes widened. He wanted to…


Granted, I should have known better. What did I expect?

“Uh, sorry.” I released his wrist instantly, but he scowled and muttered some sort of obscenity under his breath.

I shook my head. What the hell was I doing? Kazu’s voice was in my head and I couldn’t seem to get it out. Was I really doing the right thing by losing my virginity to someone in this tavern? Was it really better to do it this way on thechancethat I might be forced to lose it in a brutal way on the mission?

I was in over my head, and I was supposed to be an Elite. What was wrong with me?


I glanced to my right, fingers still knitted in my hair. A guy, maybe a little older than I was, gave me a small wave.

“Can I buy you a drink?” he asked, siddling closer to me.

He wasn’t terrible looking, and one sniff indicated he was a human. A chiseled jaw, a good amount of height, and broad shoulders, made up the man. His eyes were a brown and his blond hair fell into his face in this careless kind of way that probably took a decent amount of time to style.

“Um, sure,” I said, my heart racing in my chest.

What the hell was I doing? I had no idea what it was like to flirt or to be cool when it came to the mating game. I always thought me and Dade were fated, and while things had progressed within wolf culture that inspired females to take action rather than waiting for the stars to match up worthy pairs between us, I liked to believe the stars had matched me with Dade. He was the one I wanted to give myself to. He was the only person I wanted to be with.

And now…

Now, there was a chance for me to find him, to stop him on his bloodthirsty quest for revenge, and it would mean sacrificing myself in order to do so.

Was that love? Making sacrifices? To show him how much I cared? To show him I was worthy of his love?

But he wouldn’t even know.

And honestly, I couldn’t say for sure if he even cared.

“So.” The human mlke cleared his throat, and the uptick in his heartbeat alerted me to his nervousness.
