Page 56 of Blood & Bonds

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What was he doing?

This was…too much.

He flared his nostrils, taking in a deep breath. He could still smell the jasmine and honey that radiated from her body still lingered in the air. He knew it would remain a permanent fixture in this room, even after she left. Which was a problem for him because he didn’t need any other reminders that she was around. There were too many already, and he couldn’t help but worry he’d never escape her.

He glanced at the window, striding over to it and peering outside. It was a view he saw almost every day as he did his sweep of the rooms in his flat before going to bed. He ignored the way he still felt her body pressed against him, could still feel that sweet, subtle scent of her appreciation.

Kent closed his eyes, clenching his teeth together. He didn’t want to think about her like that. She was a kid, a human, and clearly, there were certain things they needed to figure out. On top of that, Grey forced him to take her on as his ward, which meant she was –


Kent’s eyes snapped open and he pressed his lips into a thin line. The water from the shower cracked the silence. Which meant she had stripped down into nothing, washing herself.

He needed to get out of there.

The instincts inside of him, clamoring for him to do things, were enough to set him on edge. What the fuck was he doing?

She shouldn’t be staying with him. That much was certain. She was a student, he was an Alpha, and regardless of Grey’s insisting that things become more personal between Kent and Foster didn’t mean things needed to. Hell, she didn’t even have to know what she was to him. And she wouldn’t.

He left the room, carding his fingers through his hair. Once she was in bed, before they left for the full moon, he would talk to Grey, demand they find her a room –

His inner wolf growled at the thought. There was no way he was ready to turn her over to someone else to protect her, especially if Rainey was right and King might come after her, assuming she did possess some sort of magic. Kent would never let that happen.

He stormed into his bedroom and began to pace furiously up and down the length of the room. He had never felt this spike of adrenaline before over a student, a girl. It wasn’t that he was worried about the fact that she might possess magic. If it was revealed such a thing did exist in her, they would deal with it. Master Grey would know what to do.

It washer.

He didn’t like this sudden burst of possessiveness. He always knew it could happen. He was a wolf, after all, and that was part of a wolf’s nature. But he didn’twantto feel like this, especially overher. She annoyed him. Her naivety and her stubborn pride and her need to prove herself…it was exhausting. He had other things to focus on, more important things, and more important prospects. Though, what he was feeling wasn’t romantic. He knew that. He didn’t even like her. He just knew his instincts were to protect her from anything that could hurt her, regardless of his own feelings regarding the matter.

Billshit. That was what this was.

He didn’t ask for this, this distraction. She had been thrust upon him by the cruelty of fate, and now, he was stuck with her.

There was part of him that intended to ignore her, but even the thought of doing something like that felt impossible. What if something happened to her? What if someone hurt her?

Because Rainey could assume she had magic all he wanted and that people would blame her for both murders. But no one discussed the possibility that this murderer might wanther. And that…

That could not happen.

He would not let it.

In fact, the thought of anything happening to her caused his canines to slide out of his mouth like a predator was challenging him in some way.

The shower turned off, and the squeak as Foster turned the handle grated on his nerves. But at least she was done. Which meant she’d be dressed and in bed, away from him until later, and he’d be gone, running through the forest as a wolf.

He needed the space.

A knock on the door interrupted his thought.

Kent glared at his doorway even though his door was somewhere he couldn’t see from his position in his room. Whomever this was interrupted him, and unless it was an emergency…He walked over to the door, shoulders rigid, muscles tense. He wasn’t sure why he was suddenly antagonistic towards this visitor. He tilted his head up to smell the air, hoping for who it might be.

A sharp cologne.

Kent narrowed his eyes, stopping himself just before he reached the door. He knew his visitor could detect Kent stopped walking and hadn’t made any move to open the door.

But Kent didn’t give a shit.

What the fuck did Viktor King want?
