Page 58 of Blood & Bonds

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“That’s enough,” Kent barked. He hadn’t realized how taut his body was until I stepped towards Viktor, ready to prevent him from getting further into the hallway, and found his leg rigid and difficult to move.


Kent felt the blood drain from his face but he pushed past Viktor and led himself down the hall. He wasn’t surprised in the slightest that Foster also had terrible timing.

Foster stepped out of the bathroom, fully clothed in her pajamas, drying her damp hair with one of his towels. For a moment, Kent was struck by the sight of her. It was an odd feeling. It wasn’t as though she looked any different than before, but the sight of her in his hallway, hair dripping, was more intimate than he expected. And the way the light from the window hit her, it made her look even more pleasing to the eye than she already did.

Not that he would ever admit such a thing.

In fact, he shouldn’t be looking at her this way at all.

“Ah, so here she is.”

Foster didn’t even look at Viktor. Instead, she kept her eyes firmly on Kent. He could immediately detect the question in the eyes, whether or not he was trustworthy. Something inside of Kent nodded in his stomach. The fact that she trusted him in such a manner, especially after the way he had treated her, left him feeling unsettled. He ignored the warmth that went along with the discomfort, and focused on the fact that Viktor was here and he wanted to get Viktor out of his quarters as soon as possible.

“I’m Viktor King,” he said, extending his hand. “Alpha of the Fire pack. I’m sure Captain Byron has already informed you of who I am —“

“He hasn’t.” Her voice was meeker than Kent expected but it still had a flicker of attitude in it. She was wary, still uncertain of how she should regard him.

At least she was smart.

When Viktor was gone, Kent would tell her she needed to be on her guard always when it came to King. No matter what, she couldn’t trust him, especially if some part of her was magic.Orhethoughtpart of her was magic.

“All the better.” Viktor seemed unperturbed, even as Foster refused to shake his hand. “I’m glad to introduce myself personally. I knew your mother.”

“You did?” Foster asked.

He nodded once before laughing. “I don’t know why your captain has been keeping you from me. All students should eventually meet the Alphas just to get you familiar with who we are.”

“I’m certain he didn’t have the time,” I said. “You must be busy with the full moon.”

“And you must be busy with a body in your room,” he threw back.

Kent angled his body in front of Foster, as though he intended to keep her guarded from him.

Viktor laughed, as though he saw right through the gesture. “Well, it was lovely meeting you,” he said. “I’m sure Captain Byron will serve well as your guardian during your stay here. If I can be of any assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to reach out. I have a daughter in attendance here as well, and the students here are of the utmost priority.”

He glanced at Kent and a knowing smirk touched his face. Kent didn’t like that look. Not one bit.

“I also intend on getting married soon, and I can’t run the risk of anything ruining that. Do you understand?” he asked. “Death follows you. My arrangement is in place, and I came here to ensure you won’t inadvertently ruin my plans.” He didn’t wait for a response. “I’ll see you later then.” He tilted his head forward in some kind of bow. “Don’t worry, I’ll let myself out.”

The second the door clicked shut, Kent whirled around and held up a hand just as Foster dropped her mouth open, ready to ask a million questions. Immediately, she pressed her lips together to keep herself from saying anything, something he was grateful for. He wasn’t sure if Viktor lingered, trying to pick up pieces of their conversation, and if so, Kent didn’t want him to overhear anything.

A moment passed, then another. Foster’s face turned a delicious scent of red and she tried to curb her frustration.

When Kent finally dropped his hand, he spoke before she could. “I don’t want you going anywhere near him, got it?” he asked.

“He’s an Alpha,” she said. That didn’t look like what she wanted to say, and Kent realized he must have thrown her off with his command. He wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

“So? Don’t go near him.” He prowled over the door and locked it.

“Does this have to do with the magic?” she asked.

He ignored her.

“Oh, come on,” she said. “Why can’t you tell me that much? And you know what? How does he know about you being my guardian and me being your ward? I’m eighteen. I’m legally an adult. I don’t need anyone else watching me.”

“Trust me.” He turned around so he could face Foster. “If I didn’t have to do it, I wouldn’t.”
