Page 60 of Blood & Bonds

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My breath vanished.

The White Wolf had a reputation. I knew that. And it was filled with intimidation and savage brutality even I, with all my education and with my experience as an Elite squad member, couldn’t fathom. There was a reason he was cold and cruel. And staring at Kazu as a wolf made me realize just what that encompassed.

I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. His fur was silver, just like his hair. Those eyes looked like rain clouds, a deep slate color that sparkled under the stars. His gaze was unblinking,unflinching, and if I was prey he hunted, my life would have already flashed before my eyes simply because of that stare. I would have resigned myself to the Heavens because the second the White Wolf had his prey in his sight, they were as good as dead.

And I…I had no idea what he intended to do with me. But my skin pricked with awareness, and there was nothing I could do about it but wait and see what his nefarious plan was.

He padded over to me, every step purposeful. I stiffened, and those sharp eyes took in the movement, despite how subtle it was. They narrowed, and he tilted his head down slightly, just enough for me to know that he would catch me if I chose to run. Maybe part of him wanted the chase. Maybe part of me did too.

But I still couldn’t move.

The heavy moon flowed down on us. More howls pierced the silence, but neither I nor Kazu partook.

I waited, holding my breath.

When he was directly in front of me, he pushed his head against mine, softly, gently, and I found myself bowing in return so our foreheads touched.

And then we both began to transform back into humans, bare and naked.

It should have been cold, but it wasn’t. Not even the bitter December night changed the warmth that filled my stomach, my pelvis, at the sight of him.

I should have been nervous, and I was. Gods, my heart pounded against my chest, looking for some kind of escape from this blissful torture.

What was going on with me, with my body? Why was I responding to him in this way? It was like there was something tugging me to him, pulling me in a way I couldn’t resist. Even knowing the danger, knowing that this could fall apart and ruin me didn’t stop me.

When we had shifted into our human forms, we still couldn’t take our eyes off of each other. My instinct was to cover myself, to hide my body from his critical eyes, but I couldn’t bring myself to raise my arms, to do just that. And Kazu didn’t even glance down from my face. Part of me worried he didn’t care enough to be curious about what I looked like underneath my clothes but the other part of me, the one in more control over myself, reveled in being able to capture his attention with just my eyes.

Without warning, he lifted a hand and reached for me.

I swallowed, still unsure what I was doing, but unable to move, to do anything but wait and see what was going to happen. He brought the back of his hand to my cheek, running his fingers, his knuckles down my skin. I closed my eyes, leaning into his surprising caress.

He sucked in a breath, probably surprised by my response.

“Do you trust me?” he whispered, his lips skimming the line of my ear.

His breath swarmed the crook of my neck. It should have tickled — it did — but it sent shots of fire straight to my pelvis too, and that was stronger than tickling.

I nodded. I didn’t even comprehend the words that had fallen from his lips, but they didn’t matter. I would agree to anything he wanted, and that was pathetic and sad and maybe it set my independence back a few years, but I couldn’t bring myself to care about anything, anything at all, except the prospect of him finally putting his lips on my own.

Finally, like I had been waiting forever even though I hadn’t ever thought of Kazulike thatsince today. I could be attracted to him and reject that anything could happen between us. I knew I wasn’t exactly a girl he might do a double take for, but I had him right now, and maybe I could pretend…


No pretending.

Understand what this is. The last thing you need is emotions involved.

Kazu pressed his thumb against my bottom lip, his eyes narrowed on the action. He leaned forward. Breath escaped me. He was going to kiss me. I knew this with every fiber of my bones. I couldn’t explain how I knew, especially since I didn’t have this particular type of experience. But I knew he would, and I wanted it. I wanted it more than I realized.

His other hand dropped to my neck, his fingers wrapping around my skin before pressing into the back. There was something terribly erotic about hand placements on me. He was domineering in the gentlest of ways. A contradiction I didn’t expect from someone like him.

Kazu tilted his head to the side, leaning forward even more, until his lips brushed the column of my throat. I shivered. How could a caress as soft as that send my body in such a spiral? Was this how it always was? Or maybe it was just him?

Kazu tilted his head back but didn’t release me. “I promise, after tonight, we’ll never speak of this again,” he said.

My eyes sprung open, and I remembered exactly what this was. I had told myself I wasn’t going to pretend, but it was too easy to get lost in the sensations he caused simply by being close to my body. He played me like an instrument he had been playing for the last five years. How he knew exactly what to do to elicit such responses from me, I didn’t know. It must have to do with his experience.

“If I ever do something you’re uncomfortable with, tell me,” he said, dropping his head even more to press a kiss on my collarbone. “And if you want to stop, tell me that too. It doesn’t matter how far gone we are, I can stop.”
