Page 69 of Blood & Bonds

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I pressed my lips together, my cheeks pinching even more. I didn’t want to have this discussion with my father, didn’t want to do it in front of Chamberly or Taskier. I thought I could pretend it never happened in the first place. I could avoid Matthyw. It wasn’t as though he was around much anyway. But the way my father spoke, it seemed like I wouldn’t be able to hide. I wouldn’t be able to go back.

“You’reruined,” he said. “All because you let your brother put his hands on you in front of all the whores in that Gods-damned place.”

“I –”

“I know it was you, Adrya,” he said. “To deny it would be a grave insult. You think I don’t have spies everywhere? You think Matthyw didn’t know exactly what he was doing when he took you there? And like a moth being led to its demise, you didn’t even think about it. You trusted him. You let yourself be placed in this position, and now…” He shook his head, standing up. He still held Chamberly’s hand but he leaned against the table with the other one and locked eyes with me. This was what he looked like when his wolf was pressed upon the surface, roaring to come out.This. “Now, I cannot save you from your fate.”

“Father, please –”

“My hands are tied,” he snapped. “Because ofyou. Because of your actions. Because you decided to use your…” He clenched his teeth, preventing him from finishing his sentence. “And now, I’m forced to salvage the flimsy reputation you still possess – if you possess it at all.” He leaned forward. “Did you know this would happen? Were you in on this game that your brother created simply because he is a selfish bastard Inevershould have taken in, never should have trusted.”

I swallowed. A plan? What was he talking about?

“Matthyw was just trying to help me get out of marrying someone I didn’t want to marry,” I pointed out. I didn’t know why I was defending Matthyw in the first place, not after everything he had done to me. But I thought I needed to say it, to try and make my father understand.

“Well, I’m sure he’ll be pleased to know that he succeeded,” my father said. “Everyone knows what happened. No one will hear what I have to say. You’re ruined, or do I have to say it a third fucking time. I doubt even the humans will want to touch you now.” He sighed. “I can’t do anything save for one thing.”

“And what’s that?” I asked in a low voice, dreading the answer.

Would he send me away?

Would he disinherit me completely?

“I have no other choice but to marry you to Matthyw.”

