Page 9 of Blood & Bonds

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“I can teach her the ways of the wicked,” Matthyw said. “Maintain her childlike wonder all while removing her ignorance.” He stepped forward, suddenly serious. “I would never hurt her. I would never challenge her authority like some men who would no doubt be threatened by her position of power. I would worship her –”

“You will ruin her,” Viktor snarled, and this time, he picked up the glass and threw it against the wall so it shattered into pieces. “You’re a selfish ingrate whose only purpose is to follow orders and slaughter his enemies. The thought thatyoucould come in here and command me to marry my only daughter, my onlyheir, to the likes of you —“

“A prince?” Matthyw interrupted.

“Her own damned brother!” Viktor shouted.

Matthyw didn’t bother to hide his grin. Viktor always maintained such a cool demeanor that Matthyw made it a habit of attempting to get under his skin as often as he possibly could.

“This is pathetic,” Matthyw finally said. “You bring down our name, our own pack, because of your pride. The humans try to grow stronger by using us to do so, and you do nothing about it. You’re willing to marry her off — to whom? Better me than some sopping child who can’t show her the pleasures of the flesh —“

“Pleasures of the flesh?” Viktor asked through gritted teeth. “My daughter? Have you thought about this before? With her?”

Matthyw said nothing. The truth was, he thought about it too often to admit. He purposefully chose whores with hair like spun moonlight and eyes like the grass. He called outhername during his climax.

Without warning, Viktor reached back and punched Matthyw in the face.

“Don’t you have a wife?” Viktor asked as Matthyw reached up to touch his new injury. “You can’t possibly marry my daughter, not only because I would never allow such a thing, but because you are already married.”

“I can get it annulled,” Matthyw said, examining his fingers. It appeared Viktor managed to cut his lip.

“And how can you do that?” Viktor asked.

“We never consummated the marriage,” Matthyw said.

“You realize annulling your marriage would annul our alliance?” Viktor said. “And that I cannot do. That pack will help us in battle –”

“They only have land,” Matthyw said dismissively.

“Land we might need should the Vrykolakas overrun the academy,” Viktor said. “We need to have a place our pack can go to, and by annulling the marriage, you threaten that. That cannot be undone! Even if you didn’t fuck her when you got married. So…go fuck your wife and make it official.”

“You think I would fuck her? She’s nothing to me. I couldn’t get my cock up even if I wanted to, which I don’t.”

“And you would do so with Adrya?” Viktor asked.

“I don’t think you want to hear all the things I would do to Adrya,” Matthyw said, earning him another punch from Viktor.

Matthyw could have fought back. He could have flipped Viktor onto his back and killed him before Viktor even realized what had hit him. Instead, he took his father’s punishment. He reveled in the throbbing jaw, the pulsing cheek, the blood. He would endure much worse if it meant he got to marry her, if it meant he got to claim her as his.

“Out of here, Matthyw,” Viktor said, his voice filled with exhaustion. “Out of my pack. Out of this bloody school. Do everyone a favor and die on a mission, will you?”

Matthyw said nothing. Instead, he gave Viktor a long look. “Marry her to someone else and you will regret it,” he said.

Viktor’s mouth dropped open. “Did you threaten your Alpha?”

But Matthyw didn’t answer him. Instead, he slowly strolled out of the room. He wasn’t surprised that this was how it turned out, but he had to try.

He would have Adrya, even without Viktor’s blessing, but first, there was something he needed to do.


Ithrew up.

I couldn’t help it.

I hadn’t even had that much to eat, but I threw it all up anyway.

I backed up, nearly slipping in the emptied contents of my stomach just to try and get away from the sight. I wanted to yell for help, but I couldn’t seem to find my voice.
