Page 168 of Bloody Royals

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Theodore and Lord Nathan shared a determined glance before roaring with laughter. “If you think that you can succeed,” my fiancé sneered. “Our forces have your castle surrounded. Nobody within these walls is loyal to you. You’ve convinced the world that you desire this marriage, but don’t forget that we’ve imprisoned your men. Just one word from us and they’ll each have matching bullets in their skulls.”

Theodore shifted on his feet. “You might have the title, Christine. But never forget who truly has the power.”

I felt my face contort with rage as I spoke. "Is that so?"

Theodore raised an eyebrow in challenge.

"I’m assuming you have more threats and demands to throw my way, or you wouldn’t have summoned me here. So what kind of ‘duties’ are you expecting me to perform now?" I was thinking of Atticus, August, and Leo. I just wanted to know what I had to do to keep them alive.

Theodore grinned, like he had been expecting this reaction. “I need you to be the obedient queen in front of the lords. Give them the impression that all of this was your plan from the very beginning.” My hands clenched into fists, and I swallowed a lump in my throat, knowing I had no choice but to obey.

“You want me to be the scapegoat.”

Lord Nathan shook his head. “I want you to be the mastermind. The lords need to believe that you want this. It’ll make them more compliant.”

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. “Isn’t fear of death enough of a motivation? You killed half the castle. Many of them died during your raid. We don’t need to lie to them to get them to bow. Just fill the room with your armed guards.”

“To a certain extent, yes,” Theodore said. “I don’t want anyone thinking they can stand against us. So, you’ll play your part this morning. I want you to ask for my help. Ask for my protection.”

“So essentially, I’ll be the queen in name, but you’ll be the king in reality,” I said, my voice dripping with venom.

Theodore DuPont nodded. “Be good and I’ll let you see Atticus. I think he’s spent enough time in his cell. I need my son’s help, and he needs to see that this is best for all of us.”

My ears perked up. “You’ll let me see him? What’s the catch?”

Lord Nathan spat his words, his face reddening in rage. “I’ll be damned if I let my betrothed behave like a common whore and be bedding someone else. Keep your filthy hands off of Atticus, if you know what’s good for you. I won’t allow you to make the same mistake as my predecessors and have an illegitimate child running my kingdom.” His anger was unexpected, and I noticed him glaring at my stomach like it offended him.

Theodore arched his brow. “That mistake is the reason you’ll be king, Lord Nathan. I suggest you watch your tone.”

Lord Nathan sucked in a breath of air before straightening. “I’m sorry, I appreciate the trust you’ve placed in me, but I won’t just sit by and watch her gallivanting around with other men. Your son might have been fine sharing her, but I’m not. What kind of man allows that to happen? He was weak and—”

Theodore’s eyes blazed with fury. “Do not talk about my son. I suggest you remember your place here.”

“You were threatening to kill him just days ago,” I interjected.

Theodore’s eyes darted to me, his lip curling up as his nostrils flared. “I’ve said that I want him to see reason. If he spends a few days reflecting in his cell, he’ll come to realize the error of his ways. Maybe he can’t help his attraction to you, but he will realize this is best. My son is the future of the DuPont empire.”

Lord Nathan scoffed. “And I’m the future king. I won’t share my prize.”

I felt sick to my stomach. I was nothing more than a possession.

“As long as you remember who handed her over and keep your end of the deal,” Theodore snapped back.

Lord Nathan’s eyes narrowed. “We’ll see how long your son takes to realize that this is where his future lies. Perhaps once I’ve had Christine in my bed, he’ll know his place. Though that hasn’t stopped him before. Disgusting.”

It made me sick for everyone to talk about my sex life like it was something to be ashamed of. I loved Augustus, Atticus, and Leo equally. It wasn’t wrong.

“We’ll see how long your kinghood lasts if you don’t learn your place,” Theodore growled. “You’re new to the position, and you’re making too many enemies. I’d be careful not to step over the line.”

Lord Nathan sniffed. “You’ll be the one to watch your step, Theodore. I don’t share. End of story. Your son was spineless, but Christine…” He paused to walk closer to me. I flinched when he lifted his hand up to stroke my cheek. It took everything I had not to break his arm. “Christine needs a firm hand. Someone that ties her up so she doesn’t wander. Someone willing to break her.” He paused to look at Theodore. “I thought your son was ruthless, but he couldn’t even control this harmless creature. You focus on Atticus and keep him away from my bride.”

“I’ll make sure he realizes how important it is to stay away from Christine, if you give my family the respect we deserve. You couldn’t have taken down this castle without us. Remember that.”

Lord Nathan smirked. “And you couldn’t have taken it without me, either. I laid the groundwork.”

Theodore’s spine straightened. “And I held the sword. You should leave.”

Lord Nathan glared at both of us. “I have work to do. I’ll see you both at the meeting with the lords.”

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