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Avery’s triumph was immediately cut short as a commotion erupted in the stands. In front of her sat a large man with skin red-hot with anger and veins that rose from his neck like tree roots. He clenched his fists and yelled at the spectators, accusing them of rigging the bets. His rage seemed to expand like a balloon, the fury visible on every inch of his face.

“That fucking bitch conned us all!” he screamed, shaking his fists in rage. Suddenly he lunged forward, his fists connecting with flesh with sickening thuds. The sound ricocheted through the air, fear rippling through the crowd like electricity. People scattered like cockroaches, pushing and shoving each other to get away from the brawl. Desperate to put an end to the chaos, I pushed my way through the maddened horde. He clearly had lost big on Avery’s victory and was now casting around for someone to blame.

The man advanced forward, his fists curling into massive balls as he lunged at the nearest person. The sound of meaty fists connecting with flesh reverberated through the air.

The victim was already on the ground, and he had turned his attention to another hapless bystander when I stepped in, throwing myself between them. “That’s enough,” I growled through gritted teeth, my eyes blazing with fury.

He sneered contemptuously, unimpressed by my attempt at courage. “This ain’t your fight, cowboy. Walk away while you still can,” he taunted.

But I stood my ground. “You’re causing trouble inmyterritory,” I replied coldly. “It’s my fight now.”

With a roar of anger, the man swung at me. I sidestepped his attack and countered with a vicious right hook, my fist connecting with his jaw. He staggered backward, but quickly regained his footing, lunging at me once more.

We traded blows, each hit landing with brutal force. I felt my knuckles split open as they collided with his face, blood staining my hands. But I didn’t let the pain slow me down. I ducked under another wild swing, driving my elbow into his gut and following up with a knee to his midsection.

The man doubled over, gasping for breath, but I could see the rage still burning in his eyes. He lunged at me again, but I was ready, grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back. I applied pressure, feeling the tendons strain under my grip, and he cried out in pain.

“You’re done,” I growled in his ear, my voice cold and unforgiving. “Leave now, and I won’t break your arm.”

“Fuck you,” he snapped.

He thought I was bluffing; I had warned him, though. Sighing, I reached for the damaged limb. Sweat beading on my forehead, I braced myself until bone cracked.

He screamed in agony, a high-pitched wail of horror and despair that echoed off the walls of the arena. His face contorted in anguish as I released my grip, and he slumped to the ground, cradling his broken arm against his chest. I watched without pity as the writhing figure was dragged out of the stands by security, and the crowd erupted into applause.

Breathing heavily, I looked around at the shocked faces of the spectators. I felt a mix of adrenaline and unease flowing through me, knowing that I had just made a very public statement about the lengths I would go to protectmyterritory, which apparently included anyone related to Clover now.

Fuck. I was seriouslyfucked.

As the crowd slowly dispersed, I caught Avery’s eye. She looked at me with a mixture of gratitude and concern, her earlier triumph momentarily forgotten in the wake of the violent confrontation.

“I told you this was no place for you,” I hissed, my voice rough from the fight.

With that, I turned away, leaving Avery to process the events of the night as I disappeared into the shadows.


Igroaned as I opened my eyes, my head throbbing from the night before. I was on Laura’s couch, and her son was poking my cheek. “Wake up, Clover!” he shouted, grinning mischievously.

I rubbed my eyes, trying to clear the fog from my brain. I remembered drinking with Declan at the bar.

Carson giggled while I yawned. “You’re a sleepyhead.” I grinned at him while forcing myself to wake up. Carson was a cute six-year-old with blond hair and bright blue eyes, and he could be a little devil when he wanted to be.

I sat up and rubbed my temples, still feeling the effects of the alcohol. “What time is it?” I asked groggily.

“Almost noon,” Laura called out from the kitchen. “You want some coffee?”

I nodded, grateful for the offer. As I waited for the coffee, I tried to piece together the events of the night before. I remembered flirting with Declan and the way his kiss had made my skin tingle with desire. But then his phone rang, and he left in a hurry.

I shook my head, trying to clear the memories from my mind. I couldn’t afford to get involved with a man like Declan, not with everything else that was going on in my life.

Laura walked into the living room, an apron wrapped around her waist and her fiery red hair up in a bun. She was seriously beautiful with her curves and her big brown eyes. As always, she looked completely put together despite the chaos of the house.

“So what happened last night, my love?” she asked, handing me the coffee cup.

I shook my head and took a sip of the coffee. “I hit a deer with my truck,” I said.

Laura gasped. “Are you okay?”
