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Declan laughed, bending down to Carson’s level to take a closer look at the toy. The way they interacted was heartwarming. It was clear Declan had a soft spot for the little guy, and the feeling was mutual.

As the two of them were engaged in a detailed discussion about the mechanics of a space sword, Laura sidled up next to me, her eyes twinkling.

“I swear, Carson is more excited to see Declan than anyone else,” she said, shaking her head. “Says he’s the coolest cowboy he knows.”

“I bet. Declan has that effect on people,” I responded, watching them with a smile. Declan was teaching Carson how to swing his space sword like a true space cowboy now, the sight making me smile.

“He sure does,” Laura agreed. “Thanks to him, Carson’s riding is getting better and better.”

As we watched Declan and Carson, I felt a swell of gratitude. Our lives had changed so much. Laura had quit her job at the supermarket and joined me in planning events. We were a team, and we were happy. The past was behind us, and the future was bright.

The announcement of Avery’s name echoed around the arena, jolting me back from my thoughts. I clung tighter to Declan, my breath hitching in anticipation. This time, Declan didn’t tease me about my grip. Instead, he held me closer, whispering comforting words in my ear as Avery took her place in the spotlight.

The roar of the crowd made me look at Avery. She was perched on the bucking beast, her focus entirely on the bull beneath her. Even from this distance, I could see the determination etched into her features, the fire of excitement in her eyes. I gripped Declan’s hand tighter, my heart pounding in sync with the pulsing rhythm of the rodeo music.

“Here she goes,” Declan murmured, his warm breath tickling my ear. His arm was secure around my waist, a steady anchor in the sea of excited spectators.

Avery’s ride was intense, the powerful bull giving its all to throw her. Yet my sister held on with the tenacity that was a trademark of our family. She rode with the ease of a seasoned professional, every jerk, every attempt to dislodge her, met with a matching countermove. Her stubbornness was a sight to behold.

Time seemed to stretch, the eight-second ride feeling like an eternity. But finally, the buzzer sounded, signaling the end. Avery dismounted, landing with cat-like grace on the dirt, the crowd erupting into deafening applause. A broad grin spread across her face, the thrill of her successful ride clear.

“Your sister is something else,” Declan commented, his voice filled with awe.

“She always has been,” I agreed, my voice brimming with pride. Avery had found her calling in the rodeo ring, just as I had found mine in the event center Declan built for me, in the trail rides I led, in the simple, peaceful life we’d created together.

It hadn’t been easy getting to this point. There had been many sleepless nights, filled with worries about Avery’s safety. But I’d come to realize that I couldn’t shield her from the world. She had to live her own life, chase her own dreams. And she was doing it fearlessly.

She was even living on her own now, having moved out into a place of her own a few months ago. It was tough, the old fear still gnawing at me sometimes. But seeing her tonight, how radiant and alive she was, it was clear that she was on the right path.

Looking at Avery, then at Declan, Carson, and Laura, I realized just how far we’d all come. We’d survived, we’d thrived, and we’d done it together. It was a beautiful journey, and I couldn’t wait to see where it would lead us next.

As the dust settled and the crowd began to disperse, we made our way through the chaos to meet Avery. The triumphant grin was still plastered across her face, her eyes sparkling with joy and adrenaline. Before words could be exchanged, we all pulled her into a tight group hug, her victory the glue bonding us all together in the moment.

Pulling back, I looked at the faces of the people who made up my world—Avery, Laura, Carson, and Declan. My heart fluttered with a mix of anxiety and excitement, the news I was about to share causing a whirlwind of emotions.

Taking a deep breath, I squeezed Declan’s hand. His eyes met mine, curious and reassuring. The noise of the rodeo seemed to fade away as I opened my mouth, my voice small yet steady against the quiet hum of the departing crowd.

“I’m pregnant,” I announced, my eyes scanning the faces of our family. Avery gasped, a hand flying to her mouth, while Laura squealed with joy, pulling me into a tight embrace. Carson looked confused for a moment, then his face lit up as he processed the news.

“Does this mean I’ll be an uncle?” he asked, bouncing on his toes.

It was Declan’s reaction that I was most focused on. His eyes filled with tears, his strong cowboy exterior crumbling as the news sank in. He pulled me into his arms, his voice a choked whisper in my ear. “Clover, baby, this is the best news.”

Our cheers of celebration filled the night, the rodeo lights illuminating our shared joy. As our family reveled in the news, Declan gave me a look filled with so much love that it made my heart skip a beat. With a grin, he scooped me up into his arms, ignoring my startled yelp.

“C’mon, Wildflower,” he said, his eyes twinkling with mischief and happiness. “We’ve got a baby to celebrate.”

And with that, he carried me off into the night, our laughter filling the cool Texas air. It was a perfect beginning to a new chapter in our story—a testament to our journey, a beacon of hope for the future. As the lights of the rodeo faded behind us, I knew that whatever the future held, we would face it together, as a family.

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