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Daniel’s gaze searched her face, and his expression was all too serious. It was a penetrating stare that made her feel like he could see inside her. Not her thoughts, or notjusther thoughts, but into her heart, her soul, where she kept her old hurts, and barely healed emotional scars.

She looked away. Not down, but off to the side.

He stepped back and then motioned with one hand for her to precede him. His serious, knowing expression was gone, the grin back in place. It was enough to make her wonder if she’d imagined that searching look.

She hadn’t. The butterflies in her stomach confirmed that. As did the heavy arousal that heated her blood and made her hyper-aware of her half-exposed breasts and rapidly dampening thong.

She started walking, and he fell in step beside her. There was no one else near them. The last of the subs had disappeared through the opening that would take them through the interconnected buildings back to the gate of the Subs’ Garden. There were several men behind them—other Doms who, like Daniel, already had their assigned letters for the checklist game—but they were far enough back that their presence didn’t break the sense of intimacy between them.

When they reached the building complex, Daniel paused.

“Where would you prefer to talk? The library, or perhaps the dining room?”

“I haven’t eaten dinner yet.” She glanced behind them to the northwest, where the sun would soon sink into the Pacific Ocean, though the ocean itself wasn’t visible from here. “But it’s still early.”

“I could eat.” Daniel smiled.

“Says the person not wearing a corset.” She rapped her knuckles against her stomach.

“Would you like to change first?”

Yes, because discussing a scene and getting to know a new play partner were things best done when comfortable and able to focus. Wearing a corset was both less than totally comfortable and too much of a reminder that she was the submissive.

She should say yes and go change into a robe. Or maybe a bralette and booty shorts, if she still wanted to be cute and sexy, but not so tightly confined.

What came out of her mouth was, “No, I’ll be fine…if you’ll help me loosen it a little?”

The way he inhaled, the fire that ignited in his eyes, made her shiver with desire.

“It would be my pleasure,” he murmured.

This time he put his hand on the small of her back as he guided her towards the club’s dining room.

As they reached the door Daniel paused again, looking down at her, his smile lines peeking out. “Our letter is N. I hope you don’t have any objections to nipple play.”

Chapter 2

The dining room was empty, and the buffet laid out though the dishes were all still covered. She stood beside Daniel and stared at the untouched buffet.

“We could start with a drink.” Her reluctance to be the first one to dig in was probably stupid. She had just as much right to the fancy buffet food as anyone else—she paid her dues—but the idea of being the first one to eat made her vaguely uncomfortable.

“Food first, so we both have time to digest,” Daniel countered.

He picked up a plate and looked back at her. “May I make you a plate?”

She could do it herself, but that would be hard to do if she also wanted to keep his jacket around her shoulders. She liked the smell of his cologne too much to give it up.

And this was the place where no one would think less of her for allowing herself to be taken care of.

“Yes, thank you.”

Daniel smiled, then started reading off the small placards in front of each dish. She went for some roasted veggies and half a piece of pecan encrusted fish as well as a scoop of wilted spinach salad.

He put far more food on her plate than she would eat, and then carried it not to one of the tables, but to one of the sunken seating areas. He set down her plate and a napkin-wrapped roll of silverware before holding out a hand, offering it to her for support as she descended the steps.

She reluctantly took off his jacket, laying it out neatly on the padded bench, before taking her seat. Daniel came back several more times, carrying first his own plate, then wine bottles and glasses.

“Red, white, or bubbles?”

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