Page 133 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

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That he was on edge was clear to me.However, no one else seemed to notice.

It was well after dark when we finally reached Gypsum.

“Sergeant Bromwell,” a soldier said, saluting Patrick the minute he climbed out of the Stryker.“I’m here to escort you to the debriefing.”

Patrick glanced at me.“Molev didn’t eat.Make sure he does.”

With that, he walked away, yelling, “Someone, show Alpha Team to the mess.”

I scanned the area and easily spotted the FOB soldiers.They kept staring at Molev.

“Steve.See the one by the fueler?Get him to show us the way,” I said.

Steve jogged toward the guy, and I focused on Molev.

“Why didn’t you eat?”I asked.

“It was a meal bag with red sauce.”

“Next time, ask for something else.Don’t skip meals, especially when you’re running all day.”

Molev’s gaze locked with mine, and before I knew what he meant to do, he threw me over his shoulder and ran.


Two breath-defying jumps later,we were standing on a metal roof.

I swallowed the bile in my throat and studied Molev’s thunderous expression.

“If you don’t like me showing concern, all you need to do is say so,” I said calmly.

His gaze narrowed.

“You are intelligent, Andie, and know the difference between censure and concern.”

“Okay.Fine.That was censure.I apologize.”

More irritation flashed across his face.

“Just say what’s on your mind, Molev.”

“You frustrate me.Every time I think we advance a step, you retreat three.”

“How did I retreat three?”I asked, truly confused.

He advanced on me, shoving his fingers into the hair at the back of my head and fisting the strands in a way that set my heart racing hard.

“Did you like when I kissed you?”he asked with soft anger.

“Yes.Is that what this is about?That I liked it and didn’t immediately jump on you?”

The hold on my hair tightened as he pulled my head back.

“Do you truly not see?”he asked, leaning over me.His breath fanned my throat as he dipped his head, and my heart went wild.Unable to help myself, I gripped his arms.His biceps jumped under my touch, adding fuel to the fire slowly building inside of me.

“You control everything,” he said, brushing his lips along the column of my throat.“My thoughts.My actions.Yes, I want you to live only for me, Andie.I already live only for you.”

His teeth scraped my skin.
