Page 160 of Demon Defeat: Part 2

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“Rest,” Molev said.“We will return to the house when we are finished.”

His thumb smoothed over my hand in a comforting way, and I wondered what gave away my thoughts that separating wasn’t a great idea.It didn’t matter that Molev had won over Patrick.Patrick wasn’t the leading body of what was left of the world.

“Don’t take too long, or we’ll come looking for you,” Roni said with a nod.

While they headed for another vehicle that would take them to the house, we followed Waurlyn to hers.She sat in the front with the driver but turned in her seat to speak with us.

“Patrick managed to send a brief report about your efforts.You impressed him and me.Four hounds killed in a single night.Two recoverable.How are you really?The medic’s report is that you sustained numerous injuries, many requiring stitches.”

“I will heal,” Molev said simply.

“I’m sure you will.But I’d still like the doctor to look you over and hear your version of the night’s events.”

“My version?”He shook his head slightly.“There is only one version.The infected are changing, and they seem to listen to the hounds now.A cure may no longer be enough.”

By the time we reached the building, he’d filled us in about what happened while he’d been away from the distribution center.The infected had followed the hound.Those at the back of the group, Molev had picked off silently.The hound hadn’t sensed Molev as long as he stayed several hundred yards away.However, once the hound herded the remaining infected into an abandoned building, Molev had seen enough.He’d killed the hound and then the infected.The infected hadn’t tried to run.They’d just stood there and let him behead them all.

“That is disturbing news,” Waurlyn agreed as she led us into the building.

“How many FOBs have gone dark since we arrived?”I asked.

“Over half,” she said without hesitation.“We’re consolidating the remaining personnel and reinforcing strategic locations.Such as those in remote areas that are easier to defend for refueling.I can show you a map if you’d like.”

“I think we would,” I said.

She opened the door to a room with a team of medical people waiting inside.The doctor who’d taken Molev’s blood several times already greeted Molev with less enthusiasm and more concern than Waurlyn had.

“How do you feel?Weak?Dizzy?”she asked.

“No,” he said as she indicated the exam table.

“Wait.Do you have any injuries on your lower half?That’s a lot of blood.”She waved for one of the other people in the room, and they stepped forward with a hospital gown.

Molev glanced at me, and if not for the time we’d spent together, I would have never known the doctor was making him uncomfortable.

“She wants you to change so she can check you over,” I said.“Make sure there wasn’t anything that was missed.”

“While you’re changing, I’ll make the calls necessary to get the map we spoke about,” Waurlyn said, moving toward the door.

“We’ll step out for a minute as well,” the doctor said.“Just open the door when you’re ready.”She and the techs left the room.

Molev looked at the gown she’d handed him.His face showed his skepticism.

“If you don’t want to change, you don’t have to.You don’t have to do any of this.”

“Yes, I do,” he said, handing me the gown.“Waurlyn has proven she will keep her word.Now I need to prove that she can trust me.”

His pants were off, and he was standing in the buff a second later.

I tried not to look and stay focused on the conversation, but it wasn’t easy.The man was a dream and fascinating to watch when clothed.Unclothed, he could easily cause my brain to short-circuit if I allowed it.

“Uh, what does letting the doctor examine you have to do with Waurlyn trusting you?”I asked, maintaining eye contact as he took the gown from me.

“She needs to trust that I know my own limits.If that means having doctors look at me, then I will.How do I wear this?”

“Usually, the opening goes in the back,” I said.

He frowned at it, shook his head, then slipped his arms into the short sleeves.
