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When I nod, she asks Nero to stay, and she climbs onto the back deck. Her gaze goes to the beer bottles.

“Would you like one?” I ask.

“I would. Thank you.”

I go inside and take one from the icebox, which is a deep storage space under the floorboards. Permafrost is a pain in the ass for building, but it’s a wonder for refrigeration.

When I bring out the bottle, she says, “That must be expensive, flying in cases of beer.”

I hand it to her. “We won’t be. We brought in these for the bottles, which will be cleaned and refilled by our local brewmaster, who has her own recipe.”

“Local brewmaster?” She shakes her head. “Millennials.”

She opens the beer and settles into a chair. Storm sits on the edge of the deck, watching Nero, who has settled onto the ground, head resting on his paws. When Storm shifts position, his ears twitch, the only sign that, as calm as he looks, he’s watching this potential threat to his human.

Lilith examines the back wall of our cabin. “That is wonderful craftsmanship.”

“I could say the same about your place. I’ve already asked Eric to paint woodland critters on this one for me.”

He snorts and chugs his beer.

“I wouldn’t,” she says. “On this style of home, it would look like one of those van murals. Well-intentioned and enthusiasticallydone but… ill-advised. Stick to whimsical woven creatures peeking from the grass.”

“You make me whimsical woven creatures, and I’ll keep that bottle refilled.”

She smiles and shakes her head. “Trading already. I’d be flattered if I didn’t know you’re just eager to prove yourselves advantageous neighbors before I fly down on my broomstick and turn you all into hares.”

“Rabbits,” I say. “Or goons.”

That makes her laugh, even as Dalton frowns.

“It’s a children’s song,” I explain to him.

“But in that version, I’d be a good fairy, which I am not,” Lilith says.

“I bet you could be, though, with generous offerings of handcrafted beer and other luxuries unavailable to forest dwellers, even successful nature photographers.”

Her brows rise. “Look at you, Sherlocking all over the place.”

“I got a hint on the photography, though it made me recall that part of your house didn’t have windows. A darkroom. Nature photography is the obvious answer up here. Successful is a guess based on those boots.”

“Can you tell what I had for lunch, too?”

“Cold beer, taken from an underground icebox, enjoyed on a sunny wooden deck. It may eventually be accompanied by a smoked salmon sandwich, but I’m not as good at seeing into the future.”

“Well, if that sandwich is a serious offer, I’ll take it, and then I will end the socializing part of my visit and get to business.”

Dalton rises and heads inside to fix the sandwich. Storm also rises and seems to contemplate descending to the yard. She hops off the other end of the deck, far enough away from the wolf so she can approach slowly.

“Is that all right?” I say, gesturing at her.

“Nero has little experience with other canines, but he is not a nervous beast. This is her territory, and he will respect that.”

I watch as Storm lumbers over, only to stop a few feet away.

Lilith waves at them. “You don’t need to worry so much about her. She is as careful as her people. May I ask how old she is?”

“Three. And Nero?”
