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I awaken to Isavelle bending over me, dressed in my shirt. Her cheeks are flushed but her eyes are clear. I think her false heat has passed.

Her eyes drop, and I follow her gaze, and we stare at my hand inside my pants. I’m still holding my knot.

I clear my throat and do up my breeches. “Are you feeling yourself again?”

She nods, her eyes cutting away from me as she tucks her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry. I think I lost my head last night.”

I reach up and caress her cheek. “You have nothing to be sorry about. I’m your mate and everything you say and do is beautiful to me.”

“Thank you, um, for not doing any of those things I begged you for.”

I don’t know what to say.You’re welcomefeels wrong when I wish more than anything that I had been able to do all those things. I’m supposed to hold my mate and make her feel amazing when she goes into heat. It’s meant to strengthen our bond.

Isavelle puts her hands on my chest and beseeches me. Tears glisten on her lashes, and there’s a sob in her voice. “I mean it, Zabriel. You don’t know how much it means to me that you don’t just take whatever you like. I didn’t think there was a man like you in the whole world, except for my own father.”

Taking Isavelle’s hand, I draw her down into my arms and hold her on my lap, pressing my forehead to hers. “I wantyouto want me, Isavelle. All I heard was your heat talking. When you ask me for something and I’m sure it’s you, I will move the earth to give you whatever you want.”

I smooth the tears from her cheeks, and she gives me a soft smile. “I can’t remember the last time I felt safe. Thank you, Zabriel.”

With a groan, I wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. Safe? My Omega feels safe with me? The sensation that pours through my body is brighter than dragonfire. “You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted,sha’len.”

I touch my shirt that she’s wearing. It’s huge on her, a dress that comes down to her knees. “You look pretty cute in this.”

“Thank you. I, um, had my face pressed into it the whole time because it smelled nice. I don’t know if it was your scent the same way that you smell mine, but I liked having it with me.”

If she’s not sure, then it wasn’t my scent like my Omega should smell it, but at least my shirt gave her comfort.

Isavelle strokes my face, and then tilts her chin up and kisses me. A sweet, tender kiss. Her lips are swollen from biting into them for hours.

“Was it strange to sit out here and listen to me…do that to myself?”

“I loved it,” I tell her, smiling and pressing kisses to her lips, her cheeks, her throat. She’s covered in the scent of her slick.

Her fingers dawdle shyly down my bare chest. “The things you were saying. I like it when you call me Omega in that tone, so stern and commanding.”

Her weight is on my knot and she’s so warm and delicious in my arms. “I like it when you whimperAlpha, pleaseas you come.”

Isavelle smiles and she pulls a handful of my hair across her face and hides in it. Fuck, she’s adorable when she’s horny and shy. I’m transfixed by the sight of her.

“Next time I’m in my false heat, could you, um…” she trails off in a whisper.

I wait, gently stroking her round, soft thigh with my fingertips. “If you ask me, I will absolutely do it for you.”

“Will you come into my nest with me, and…” She trails off and bites her lip. “I’m not very brave, Zabriel.”

She is brave. More than she knows. I reach behind us and haul one of the blankets off her bed and over us so that we’re enveloped in darkness and warmth.

“Whisper it to me,” I breathe in her ear.

Isavelle slides her arms around my neck and puts her lips close to my ear. “I liked what happened down in the bathhouse. Will you maybe touch me with your fingers and let me rub myself against you again?”

“Yes. Yes, of course. Anything you want, Omega,” I say, pressing kisses against her throat while my heart beats wildly. “Can I see you next time? All of your beautiful body?”

Hesitantly, Isavelle nods and reaches up to touch my lips. “And that thing you said about your tongue…”
