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I emerge from the castle to see Isavelle running across the stone bridge. Down at the dragongrounds, Scourge is looming over Esmeral, smoke pouring from his nostrils, his crest thrust toward the sky and his wings half unfurled. His red eyes are fixed on the little dragon and his jaws are parted. Esmeral is nuzzling against her pent-up Alpha like she’s hoping to get fucked.

Isavelle runs toward them, calling her dragon’s name. Esmeral sees her rider, and then me marching across the stone bridge toward them. She catches on immediately to the game and dives for her rider with a mock-terrified shriek.

Delighting in the sight of his fleeing Omega, Scourge snaps at her back legs. She swipes at him playfully with her tail and he answers with a roar that has her chittering excitedly. Isavelle jumps on Esmeral and they take to the air. Scourge watches them go, and then rounds on me with a snarl, telling me to hurry up. He wants his mate.

I want mine as well, but I’m not hurrying. Those two little dragons haven’t got the first idea where to hide, but Scourge and I are experts in the hunt.

I climb up onto my dragon’s back and we take to the skies. Effortlessly, we catch up to Isavelle and Esmeral and then follow them in a circle several times around the castle while the turquoise dragon and her rider dodge between turrets. As if that is going to confuse us. Isavelle hasn’t had any formal training in flying, and she couldn’t go into battle, but even so, her flying is impressive. I remember how ill she was on Scourge, but there’s no sign of sickness or even hesitation with Esmeral. The two of them were made for each other.

We loop around the castle yet again, and Scourge is becoming impatient. Esmeral will fly to the left, and so Scourge shoots a plume of fire and smoke in that direction, forcing them to turn right and fly over the dragongrounds instead. I hear Isavelle squeal in outrage, and I grin. Below, all the dragons in the flare watch us as we swoop overhead.

Her wings working as hard as they can, Esmeral races up the bluff, her neck stretched upward until it’s almost vertical. It’s a tight maneuver for Scourge to reach the top with his huge size, but with his wings straining, he makes it. Esmeral and Isavelle had better not fly any farther from the castle. I warned her not to, and if they don’t turn back, I am going to be furious with them.

The old, abandoned wyvern eyrie is perched atop the cliff, and that’s where Isavelle and Esmeral head. They disappear inside through an open archway, and Scourge is too big to follow. In frustration, he blasts one of the towers with dragonfire before landing beside the building. It’s made of wood and the fire catches, belching smoke into the sky.

I slide from my dragon’s back and charge inside, bellowing, “What did I say, Isavelle? Not farther than the dragongrounds.”

Isavelle is stroking her dragon’s neck, breathing hard and looking so intensely beautiful I could eat her. Outside, Scourge roars, and Esmeral dances on her talons like she can’t decide if she wants to run toward him or away.

“Your dragon was breathing fire,” Isavelle pants, playfully backing away from me but with the same trepidation in her eyes as her dragon.

What’s Alpha going to do to us?I can feel them both wondering.

“What did you expect a dragon to do when he’s in a rut and he’s trying to catch his mate?”

“These are still the dragongrounds, aren’t they? I didn’t break the rules.”

At the other end of the eyrie, Esmeral is crouched before the open doorway just out of her Alpha’s reach, teasing him while he snaps his jaw at her.

I stand still and watch my mate through narrowed eyes. She bounces on her toes for a moment and then dashes to the right. I lunge forward and wrap my arms around her, pulling her full, soft body against mine.

“Got you.” I push my face into her throat, breathe in, and groan, my eyes closing. Fuck me, she smells like pure pleasure.

Overhead and at the other end of the eyrie, fire crackles and pops.

“We have to go,” Isavelle says, melting into me. “This building is on fire.”

I shake my head. I only just got her alone. I’m not going anywhere and neither is she. “I’m the Flame King, and I love the sound of fire. I love the scent of it. I want you here, where I can taste you and the fire at once.”

Firelight is flickering in her uncertain eyes.

“I won’t let the fire touch you,” I assure her, and finally she relents and tilts her mouth up to mine. I lean down and kiss her and groan as I taste her lips. Everything’s so much more intense while I’m in a rut.

“You smell so good,” she gasps, tugging at the buttons on my jacket. “You smell like danger. Black cherries. Fire and sparks. You smell like my Alpha.”

I grasp the neck of my jacket and rip it open, popping a dozen buttons and sending them skittering across the floor. Scooping her against my chest, I breathe in her ear, “Does my mate like the way her Alpha smells?”

Isavelle peeps shyly up at me. In the next moment, she licks my chest, her tongue darting over my muscles. I grin wickedly down at her. Not even in a false heat and she’s being so playful and brave.

I take the rest of my clothes off and lay them out on the ground so my mate doesn’t feel the chill, and we sink down to the floor. Isavelle’s hand trails down my body, from my throat, across my chest and stomach, and down to my knot. I watch her small fingers circling and squeezing my swollen flesh and groan. Distantly, the fire roars as hot as my desire.

“Does my Omega enjoy the way her Alpha feels?”

“You’re so beautiful,” she whimpers, gazing from my cock to my chest to my face. “I’m so sorry it took me so long to realize who you are.”

I take her jaw in my hand. “Who am I?”

“You’re my everything, Alpha.”
