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Two days later,I’m out by the stables when a shivery feeling comes over me. I rub my arms and gaze at the sky, wondering if the wind has suddenly turned colder or if I’m coming down with something. I really hope I’m not getting sick when there’s so much work to do. The Temple Mothers ride out of the city to meditate at the convergence of ley lines and other sacred, secret places, and study the barrier. Afterward, their horses need tending to, and that’s what I do. It’s not much, but it’s something to help their important work.

I’ve tried meditating and tapping into my own magic, but the problem is, I’m not sure what it is or how to access it. I don’t understand what a witch is and what she does. All I know is my mind showed me Tish and Damla’s death and that inexplicable vision or visitation with Zabriel. Only he wasn’t the Zabriel that I know.

It’s all so confusing and frustrating. I gaze at the sky, wondering if it’s about to start snowing. The clouds gathering are dark and ominous, and the back of my neck prickles and aches. If I were a mouse, I’d assume that a bird of prey was hovering overhead, ready to snatch me up and rip me to pieces for its dinner.

Get inside.

I frown at the sound of my own voice commanding me. Fiala and Dusan are in the stables, and if I go anywhere else, they’ll worry. Besides, why should I go inside when a little rain won’t—

Inside, inside, inside.

I glance through the open door into the darkened outbuilding, and nothing has ever looked so inviting or important. I dash inside, and inside feels better. Inside feelssafe, though I’m still racked with cold and start to shiver. I climb the ladder into the loft and dive into the loose hay, desperate to warm up.

My shivers slowly subside, and I grow warmer. I wish there were more weight on me. I fantasize about someone dumping a whole cartful of hay on top me so that my whole world is safe, cozy, and dark.

“Isavelle?” A soft, deep voice.

“Mm?” I reply without opening my eyes. Unless this person is going to drop a load of hay on top of me, I don’t want to be disturbed.

I hear the soft crunch of footsteps approaching, and then a large pair of hands feel around for me, uncovering me as he goes.

“No,” I moan, trying to scoop the hay back on top of me. “Cover me up. I don’t like it.”

“I know,sha’len. I know. But it’s too cold for you here. Put your arms around my neck, and I’ll cover you with my cloak. I’m going to carry you down the ladder.”

Zabriel lifts me up and holds me securely against him with one arm, wrapping his cloak carefully around me. It’s like he understands that the light of day is horrible, and I need to be held very, very tightly.

He carries me out of the hay loft, and as we emerge into the courtyard, the daylight hurts my eyes, even with my head covered.

“Put me back. I like it in the dark,” I moan.

“It’s all right. Just hold on to me.” Zabriel cups the back of my head and tucks me beneath his chin. “Your bedroom has a fire and your bed has curtains around it. And lots of blankets. You’ll be a lot more comfortable there.”

That does sound enticing. I mumble into his neck, “How did you find me?”

“Fiala and Dusan couldn’t find you all of a sudden, so they came and got me, and I followed your scent.”

“My poor bodyguards. Don’t punish them,” I whimper.

Zabriel laughs softly. “For this? Lucky for them they’re off the hook for things my naughty Omega does.”

Shivers rack my body. I should have gone to my bedroom myself instead of interrupting the King of Maledin from his duties. “I’m sorry. There are more important things you should be doing than putting me to bed when I’m sick.”

“No, there are not,” he assures me and brushes his lips over my temple. “And you’re not sick.”

I feel him open a door, and a moment later he puts me down on my bed. Kneeling, he pulls my shoes from my feet, puts my legs up on the mattress, and covers me with blankets. Then he moves around the room, covering the window, stoking the fire and adding wood, then pouring a cup of water to place by my bedside.

“I can’t go to bed in the middle of the day. I’ve got things to do,” I protest, but instead of getting up, I burrow deeper into the blankets and groan in relief as some of my aches and pains are soothed. My breasts, my neck, and even between my legs is throbbing.

I feel him spread a blanket over me, then another, and another. Soon there’s a delightful weight on my body and my flesh feels hot, but wonderfully so. I’m not sweating. In fact, I could do with more warmth. More layers. More blankets.

I worm a finger out of the blankets and pull a corner down and peep out. Zabriel is gazing down at me with a smile on his lips. My tall, strong, handsome Alpha. As he watches on, I stretch my legs and point my toes while arching my back, and he smiles wider.

Alpha loves seeing me cozy and safe.

For once I don’t have the inclination to tell that voice to shut up. Zabrieldoeslove it. He thinks I’m adorable. That voice is so right.
