Page 15 of Sunshine's Grump

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I wanted to break her down, leave her sobbing on the floor, begging my forgiveness for trying to entice me into her bed. For making me feel desire again. I wanted to own her, then leave her gasping for more.

But I knew if I went too far, I might be the one who was left aching and alone.

Though maybe I could have just a taste. A touch.

My control slipping, I threaded one hand behind her neck, tangling my fingers in the hair at her nape. A shiver ran through her, and her nipples beaded, like they were trying to reach through her shirt for me.Those pink, bow-shaped lips puckered into a small moue of displeasure, and she inhaled as if to complain, but I circled her waist with my other arm and hauled her face up to mine.

“No, brat. I told you to be on time, dressed appropriately for dinner. And this is where I find you? Dressed like this?” The pupils of her innocent, blue-green eyes were blown wide with desire now, and her breathing came in short rasps. “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”

She fought to maintain her small frown, but the heady rush of her scent betrayed her arousal. Her throat worked as she swallowed hard before answering, “I’m… I’m sorry?”

“Not certain? Do you understand that you did something wrong, Sunshine, and now you need to make up for it? Didn’t you ever learn how to take responsibility for your actions?”

I tightened my hand at her nape slightly, and she leaned her head back, her eyelids dropping closed. I brought my lips to her neck, rubbing my own scent over her skin, scraping her soft neck with my teeth. Our scents mingled together on her skin, and I felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Any alpha would know I had marked her.

“Or do you need me to teach you? Show you how you make it right?” I nipped lightly at the base of her throat, where her pulse hammered furiously.

The room exploded in a bloom of tropical scent. “I don’t know,” she managed to say. “What do you want me to do?”

I trailed my fingers over her tank, the small buttons at the front pulled tight. “I think you should start by taking off the inappropriate clothing, don’t you?”

Her eyes met mine, and the flash of mischief there shot straight to my groin. “Yes, sir. I definitely think I should.”

Without dropping her gaze, she lifted her hands to her top and slowly undid the buttons, one at a time. The cloth of her sleep shirt fell open, revealing the most perfect breasts I’d ever seen. Heavy and full, with dark, tight nipples that jutted toward my lips.

I pulled her waist closer but let her head fall back so she was exposed to me, bent backward like an offering. “Fuck, Sunshine, those are for me, aren’t they?”

She mumbled something that sounded like assent. I lowered my lips to the outer swell of one breast, then moved my tongue in wide circles around the outside edges of her areolas, coming close to the tight nipples, but never quite touching them. She gave a strangled moan, arching her back even farther.

“Tell me what you need. Tell me exactly what you want from me.”

“You know what,” she whispered, and I delighted as a flush of pink covered her chest.

“Oh, my little Sunshine is embarrassed? Have you never had to ask for what you wanted before?” My balls ached, my knot pulsing, as I realized just how innocent she might be. But she was engaged… supposedly. “Do you have a lover, Omega?”


“Have you had lovers?”

She tried to nod her head, but I held her nape, a shockingly fierce growl emerging from my lips. “Who?”

“Just one,” she murmured. “In high school. A beta.”

The compulsion to find whoever had dared to touch what was mine was almost overwhelming. Instead, I lowered her onto the bed, taking in the vision she presented. “Did he make you come, Sunshine? Did he touch you, bring you pleasure?” The need to kill the unknown man increased at the thought of it.

Her short bark of laughter cleared my mind slightly. “No. I had to learn that on my own.”

A wave of heat ran through me at the vision of her in bed, teaching herself how to find her pleasure, spending her nights, her heats, alone. “Then that’s how you’ll apologize to me, brat.”

She blinked, her green-blue eyes hazy with lust and curiosity. “W-what do you mean?”

“You’re going to touch yourself. You’re going to doexactlywhat I tell you, and then all will be forgiven.”

A hint of uncertainty in her gaze, she swallowed hard. “You want me to touch myself. Now? While you…”

“Yes, while I watch,” I told her, standing back and crossing my arms over my chest. “Take off those shorts, brat. Show me that naughty pussy.”

I wasn’t certain she would, but after a moment, she closed her eyes and reached down, pushing her sleep shorts to her ankles, then to the floor.
