Page 17 of Sunshine's Grump

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A matching shame rocketed through me. Her scent had gone bitter, and it was all I could do not to go to her, hold her until she relaxed. But that was falling back into the trap that omegas were for me.I had to be strong. Or at least cold. Distance myself, no matter how hard it was.

“Apology accepted, Miss Fairweather. Next time, be at dinner, dressed and ready. I won’t be lured down to your room again.”

She lifted her face, her cheeks streaked with tears, her eyes flashing with what looked like betrayal. “Lured? What do you mea—”

Knock knock!Before she could finish her question, a voice called out, “Dinner, Mr. Grantham?”

“Leave it outside,” I replied, pressing her back onto the mattress as I stood. The vision before me—the naked, supple limbs, ripe with my scent and hers—was everything I had ever wanted.

But I couldn’t have her. She was too young for me. Too innocent.

And too fucking tempting by half.

“You look unwell, Miss Fairweather,” I gritted out. “Rest and eat.” I knew my tone was harsh; she flinched as I all but barked the command.

When she shifted on the bed, and a final rush of our combined scents flooded my senses, it took all I had to muster the internal strength to make it outside the door before I knotted, bit, and claimed her.

Sniffling, she kept her eyes lowered, but reached for a tissue to rub at the drying streaks on her skin.“Don’t rub it off. Leave it there,” I demanded, shocking her to stillness. Shocking myself. My feet were made of lead, my teeth aching almost as much as my knot, my pulse a wild drumbeat clamoring for me to stay. “Let it be a reminder of what happens when you don’t follow your employer’s instructions.”I slipped out the door while she sputtered, pushed her tray inside, and left her alone.

It was the most cowardly and most selfless thing I’d ever done.



Rain’s voice was glitchy, and it sounded like she was talking from the bottom of a well as she lectured me the next morning. She’d called a few minutes before, her “best friend radar pinging hard,” or so she’d said.

I’d already confessed everything that had happened the night before to Candy and Rain via texts, and we’d covered the most important topics, like how enormous Giovanni’s cock had been and how we’d almost had filthy hot sex.

I didn’t tell them all the things he’d said, though. For one thing, they’d never believe I wasn’t straight up quoting a porno. Training my naughty pussy? Even remembering it had my panties soaked.

For another, if I’d told them all the mean stuff he’d said afterward, they’d probably both swim across the ocean to avenge me.

Why, oh why, had my lady parts fallen in everlasting lust with Grumpy Grantham? Obviously, my pussy had no common sense or taste in men. Those cruel things he’d said to me at the end… Lured? I’d somehow lured him, like a wicked temptress? I wanted to lure his face right into my fist, if I didn’t think I’d probably break a finger punching him.

What an asshole. A sexy, sexy asshole. With really muscular, talented, thick fingers. That I could almost still feel inside me.

“Are you listening to me, Soleil?”

“Of course,” I lied. Rain had been losing her shit for a solid three minutes, because I’d accidentally mentioned the cum-stuffing thing.

“Then tell me what in the hell you werethinking?Why would you even let him in your room? And his sloppy, contaminated, baby-making fingers in your business?” Her voice was shrill. I could almost see her, pacing up and down as she fumed, her nearly perpetual frown transforming her face into a picture of diminutive rage. She always reminded me of a tiny, dark-haired pixie warrior when she was railing against the world.

I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to tell her that I thought he might be my true mate. His scent was just so perfect, and the way I’d felt when he’d commanded me to touch myself, and when he’d watched me, was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

But I knew too much about her past to do something so thoughtless. Because while meeting your true mate was so rare that it almost seemed like a fairy tale, meeting him and being rejected by him? It was a horror story she’d lived.

And if it was happening to me, I might die of humiliation. I’d had enough of that the night before, anyway.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine. It wasn’t that big of a deal.” Giovanni had made certain I understood that. To him, it was a lesson taught to a stupid omega.

“You listen to me now, Soleil Fairweather. You and I both know you can’t take birth control pills because of your allergies or sensitivities, or whatever. You don’t have a damn IUD. And apparently, they don’t make condoms big enough to fit that alpha’s torpedo. You knowbetterthan this,” she ranted just as my phone buzzed.

It was Mom texting, again. I ignored her, again. Somehow, she’d figured out I wasn’t in Georgetown. She was enraged, insisting I come home immediately.

Rain was still talking. “...and you know as well as I do how fertile omegas are. Remember, Misty Mumstack got pregnant from a hot tub—”

I sighed. “She got pregnantina hot tub, Rain. It wasn’t just jizz floating around in there with her.”
