Page 53 of Sunshine's Grump

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Mom sucked in a sharp breath. “Why are you reading about gonorrhea, Soleil? Is there something you want to tell me about last week?” She grabbed a cut crystal glass and poured straight champagne into it, taking a swig like she was preparing for the worst.

“No, Mom, jeez!” I flung the pamphlet across the room as if it were infested with clap cooties… right as the door opened and the doctor entered. The pamphlet hit her directly in the chest, and she let out a short laugh. “Oh god, I’m so sorry!” I apologized. “I didn't mean to throw that. And also, I do not need that, I swear. Totally clap free. No STDs here, nope. Not any.”

I slapped a hand over my face. For all I knew, I did have an STD. I’d had unprotected sex with Giovanni.

Oh god.What if I was pregnant? He’d made it clear there was no future for us.

It was entirely possible I could have the clapanda baby on board. For all I knew, he’d renovated my entire vaj with his Campari-bottle dick.

I’d never even thought about internal injuries. What if I could never feel pleasure again? He’d practically made pancakes out of me while he was filling me with his baby batter…Oh god, babies.

I put a hand to my flat stomach. Omegas had twins far more often than betas. I could be pregnant with twins.

Across the room, my mom slumped down into one of the chairs. “Baby… batter? Pancakes? Twins?”

I blinked at the doctor, who was fighting not to laugh. “I’m doing that thing where I say it all out loud, aren’t I?”

“Afraid so, sweet girl.”

I let out a huge sigh. “Mom? I think you may want to step outside for this.”Mom nodded weakly, taking the champagne as she left.

The doctor’s dark eyes, familiar somehow, glittered with humor as she escorted my mother from the room. When she returned, sat in a chair next to me. “I think you may have a story to tell. I received some records from Dr. Rimbolt, so I know a bit. But why do you think you might be pregnant, Soleil?”

It all came out in a rush of unstoppable tears and frantic explanations. There was a pile of about ten used tissues on the side table next to me when I finally moaned, “And I’m not sure he’d even care if I was pregnant. He might not ever want to see me again.”

The doctor hummed slightly as she helped me up to the table and began her own exam. She did a very thorough check over my entire body, inside and out. “Why would you think your alpha wouldn’t want to be with you?”

“He’s not my alpha.”

Her eyebrow arched. “You must know that mini-heats like this, at your age, are almost always precipitated by one event.”

“Great stress?” I said with a weak smile.

“Meeting your true mate should not be stressful, Soleil. What did that idiot do?” She sounded pissed.

“Well, he avoided me after… you know.”

“The Campari sex?”

“Yeah.” I blushed. “Sorry I went into such graphic detail. But after that, he vanished. He didn’t even say goodbye. And he made sure during it to tell me it was… a one-time thing.” I grabbed another tissue and held it over my face. “I can’t think about what it means if he really is my true mate and… and didn’t want me.”

The pain at even voicing the words was excruciating. My heart ached. My skin stung. When I told the doctor what I was feeling, she said solemnly, “Mate rejection can be debilitating. I’ll write you a prescription for some pain meds.”

Oh god, I needed to call Rain. She’d lived through this, though I wasn’t sure how. She’d be able to help me.

The doctor stabbed the end of her pen at her tablet, muttering something that sounded like “Stupid ass alphas”while I regained my composure.Once I’d stopped sniffling, she put down her tablet and sighed. “Well, it’s a good thing we took all the samples we did. I’ll have some initial answers for you in a few minutes. Now, if I were speaking as Giovanni’s doctor, I would not be allowed to tell you that you have nothing to worry about regarding STDs. He has full physical checkups every six months in this hospital.”

“Every six months? Is he ill?”

“No. He just likes to visit his aunt.”

“His… aunt? Oh.” I felt the mother of all blushes start to spread from my chest, up my neck, over my ears, and across my entire scalp. “Oh god, I said all that to…”

She held out a hand. “To his Aunt Marguerite.”

“You… you weren’t on the wedding cruise.”

“Lucky break. I was on call this week.” She muttered, “And praying Lorelei would come to her senses before the big day.” She smiled gently when she looked up and noticed my red face. “His mother, Raquel, is my older sister. Gio donated the money for this entire wing of the hospital a few years ago, so I could settle close to my grandchildren. Normally, I work in the neonatal intensive care unit, but I have extensive training in obstetrics as well.” She peered at the tablet in her hand. “And everything looks fine. But I’m afraid we won’t know just yet if you are expecting. That test is inconclusive, though the levels are a little unusual. Still, it’s only been a week since your first… introduction to his sperm.”
