Page 59 of Sunshine's Grump

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When we could finally stop laughing, she tapped on her tablet with the end of her pen. “All right, beautiful girl. You said you waited to test again. So we’re going to do another urine sample and then, if we need to, a quick ultrasound.” She handed me a specimen cup, then stuck her head out the door, looking around.

So weird.

“An ultrasound?” I asked, but she was already bustling me out into the hallway and to the ladies’ room.

When I was done, I washed my hands, picked up the sample with a paper towel wrapped around it, and stepped back out into the hallway, wondering where I was supposed to leave it.There was a faint hint of coffee and chocolate in the air, and I inhaled deeply, feeling better than I had in days. The tight pinch in my chest almost vanished as I breathed. The nurse came scooting down the hallway at that very moment, remarking at how fast I’d been, and looking flustered.

“Yep, that’s me. Fastest urethra in the tri-state area.” She blinked at me, like I’d lost my mind, so I held the sample out to her and changed the subject. “I didn’t know the tea bar had coffee. Is there any chance I can get a mocha?”

She shook her head, taking the cup. “There isn’t. Do you drink tea? We only have decaf, herbal varieties.”

That was weird. I could’ve sworn I smelled mocha… Maybe it was hers, and she wasn’t sharing.

“Not usually. I guess I’ll have to get used to it,” I said, smiling grimly, and nodded at the cup in her hand. A door opened to my side as I added, “If it turns out I’m pregnant.”

The voice that had haunted my dreams for two weeks boomed in my ear. “Pregnant?”

I spun around so fast, the heel of one of my Jimmy Choos actually snapped. Before I could even start the mourning process for my favorite heels, I felt myself going down, my arms windmilling.

But once again, I didn't fall.

Giovanni had caught me. Again.


I closed my eyes and moaned softly, from embarrassment and a sudden wave of lust.

He lifted me in his stupidly muscular arms. “Rimbolt! Marguerite! She needs medical attention!”

“I don’t,” I insisted as he carried me into the room he’d just come out of. “I mean, I do. I’m at the doctor’s office. Wait. What are you doing here?” I opened my eyes, worried.

He set me down on the examination table, his hands still on my upper arms, staring into my face like he was in shock. “I’m… I’m…”

He looked terrible, like he’d lost twenty pounds in the past two weeks. His hair was a mess, he had five-day stubble, and his eyes were bloodshot. Even his clothing was in disarray. I looked down and bit my lip to keep from laughing. He had on two different dress shoes: one matte black, the other a glossy charcoal.

“I’m… I’m…”

How hard had I hit the guy? “I don’t know, Grumpy, but I think you may have a concussion. Let’s ask one of these nice doctors to examine y—” Before I could finish my sentence, he’d picked me back up and crushed me to him in a hug that made my ribs creak slightly. “Can’t… breathe…” I squeaked.

Immediately, he set me down on a chair and kneeled in front of me, my left hand held before his face like it was one of the wonders of the world.“You’re not wearing the ring,” he whispered. “You’re not engaged.”

“I haven’t been for a while,” I said, confused. “Wait. You thought I’d have had sex with you if I was engaged?”

“No one would blame you. It was medically necessary sex,” he answered, still staring at my hand. “A lifesaving encounter.”

I rolled my eyes, ignoring the muffled laughter of the doctors and nurse just outside the room. “I’m known to do that on occasion, I suppose.” Giovanni just bowed his head. His shoulders were shaking, and when he looked up, his face was a mask of despair and pain.

“Save me,” he whispered. “I’m begging you.”

“Save you?” I wasn’t sure what he meant, but right then, I would have jumped into an ocean without a life preserver to know.

“I’m in love with you, Soleil Annette Fairweather. I can’t live without you. When you walked out of my life, the sun vanished. It’s so dark, princess. Won’t you give me another chance to show you how I feel? To deserve your love?”

His hand was so large next to mine, and I found myself smiling as I noted the muscles on them. “First, you have to tell the truth,” I said, and his gaze shot to mine. “Do you have a personal trainer for your fingers?”

He nodded slowly. “All billionaires do, Sunshine. You’ll get one, too, if you’ll be mine. My beloved betasitter.”

