Page 64 of Sunshine's Grump

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“Mine,” she whispered again as I licked her neck, soothing the wound I’d made there. My alpha instincts were satisfied. It would heal into silver scars, visible every time her neck was exposed, and show the world she was mine.

“I am, Sunshine. You claimed me so well. I’m yours. Forever.” A pulse of joy, tinged with wonder and a deep satisfaction, filled my thoughts. I knew she could feel my emotions as well, and hoped the depth of my love soothed any lingering doubts.

After a moment, I rolled her onto her side. She slept with me, sometimes snoring softly, sometimes waking to ride me. My cock never softened, though my knot went down enough for me to carry her to the bathroom for water and a quick shower, then back to bed where we began the process again. And again. I was lost in a wild rut, and I fucked her through the night.

Until finally, we slept.



Iwoke happy and rested, and so sore it felt like I’d ridden rodeo bulls all night long. Or at least an alpha the size of a bull.I winced as I gently pressed one hand to my mound, moving the other one over to where I thought I’d find Giovanni.

But he was gone.

A small clock was on the side table, showing the time and date. Friday already? “We fucked for two days?” I asked the empty room.

My stomach answered with a mighty growl. I pressed a hand on it. The mini-heat had kept me from feeling hunger, though I had hazy memories of Giovanni making me drink water and—most embarrassingly—carrying me to the bathroom so I could pee. But now I needed food. The pillows were starting to remind me of marshmallows.

My purse was sitting on the table as well, and I grabbed it, pulling out my diamond-encrusted phone. I’d never seen so many notifications in my life. But the only one that I clicked on was the one from Dr. Marguerite Grantham.

Holy shit.

Before I could process what she’d written, I heard a deep baritone, singing the melody to a song I’d heard a thousand times. “The other night dear, as I lay sleeping…” The door opened, and Giovanni stepped through, carrying a platter of what had to be breakfast, judging by the delectable smells. He was already dressed, in his signature suit and tie. Silver cufflinks winked at his wrists, and I felt myself frowning.

Was this it? Was he going back to work, like this was a normal day? I didn’t know if Giovanni was a workaholic, or… or much about him at all. Besides my Internet stalking, and the conversations we’d had on the boat, he was practically a stranger.

Except I could feel the waves of affection, gratitude, and the bedrock solid promise of protection and care that emanated from the bite mark on my shoulder. He was a good man, and now, a happy one.

And a clothed one.

“Sunshine, what’s this? I’m supposed to be the grumpy one, not you,” he teased, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“You’re dressed. I thought…” I squiggled back down the bed, tucking my face under the sheet.

He tugged it down. “What did you think?” He caught my chin gently in one hand. “Tell me, princess. What did you think?”

I closed my eyes so I didn’t have to see his reaction. “I thought we’d be able to spend some time together. Get to know each other. I mean…” I placed a hand over the mate mark, liking the slightly painful, pleasurable throb. It was a good distraction from the ache in my heart. “It’s okay. Have a good day at work.”

His laughter shook the bed. “Sunshine, I’m not going to work. I just got dressed so I wouldn’t shock the staff.”

“You put on cufflinks to get coffee?” I blurted out. “Is this a billionaire thing?”

His cheeks darkened, and he shifted slightly. “No. I have a few odd habits. Lorelei always made fun of me for them. I just like wearing suits.”

“Well, they’re sexy on you, for sure,” I said, with a sniff. “But on to more important questions. Is that you or is that—”

“A mocha latte? It is indeed.” He grinned, and my brain stopped working again. Was that a dimple in his right cheek? Oh, my. It was. A tiny, hypnotic dimple.“Sunshine? Sunshine, what are you staring at? You really do need coffee.”

I really, really did. But I knew better. “Orange juice, I think.” I sat up, taking the cut-crystal glass. The sheet fell back, and Giovanni gazed at my breasts like he hadn’t practically sucked my nips off the night before.Not that I was complaining.

I sipped the juice while he unloaded the rest of the tray onto the bedside table. There were warm croissants, crystal pots of butter and wild strawberry jam, a boiled egg in a tiny Wedgwood egg cup, and one sausage. “One sausage?” I muttered as he began slicing it up. I was way hungrier than that. “That can’t possibly be enough.”

“It’s a big sausage, sweetheart. I’m pretty sure you’ll be satisfied.” He wiggled his eyebrows like a pervert.

“I’m not sharing,” I warned as he offered me a bite. “I really, really like sausage.”

“I know.” He chuckled, rubbing the front of his pants with his free hand. “Maybe too much. I think you sprained my knot.”
